💩 💩 a lot as a vegan. Normal?

@bornoptimist Tangential, but I recently invested in a Squatty Potty that has made it much more convenient when it comes to pooping. So much more comes out in one session versus a lot of micro poops like I've occasionally experienced in the past.
@bornoptimist No. Depends on how much and what I eat. If I drop my calories really low I can not take a good dump for days. If bulking then yeah - multiple big ones a day.
@bornoptimist I think you possibly mean Plant Based diet. But yes, initially the change in diet seems to cause you to go very regularly. At some point as you evolve and try new things, also as your body gets use to it, with an increase in protein supplements also it can level off so to speak.
@bornoptimist especially in the beginning that the body finally has time to clean itself of toxins that have accumulated for so long.

you will poop beautifully. no kidding slowly you will realize how healthy your poop is too compared to before.

bye bye
@abenmagdenite It's not the body cleaning itself, that's a common misconception, there are no diets that function as detox.

The reason why people feel like going to the bathroom more frequently it's the higher fiber intake, that's it. Once the body gets accustomed to it, it will calm down.
@dawn16 Yes maybe I needed to elaborate more on the issue of detoxification.

from what I know an organism that has always eaten meat can't dispose of it all completely, and there are "rotting" pieces that stick around in the intestines for a long time.
By starting to eat plant-based, the fiber helps to clean up your intestines. that's more or less what I meant.
(Another example and see hydrocolon's videos about when I come out cuttlefish and whatnot from your intestines).

I agree that it will settle down, but in my experience with a vegan diet I have noticed two things:

1) poop doesn't smell, or smells very little.
2) it looks good and has a nice color, most of the time it has a "soft" texture, and it comes out well. i can tell that a healthy poop.
3) there are days that even I go 3 times and poop profusely
4) I rarely make it hard or it comes out in pellets.
@abenmagdenite I think it's highly personal, some vegans might have a really good digestion like you have, while others might struggle more.

I would say the digestion process is not just related to the diet, but also on the individual organism, so different people could react differently to the same diet.

Regarding the first part of your post, I'm not really well informed about that topic so I don't have anything to add.