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  1. J

    “Don’t look at the scale, because muscle weighs more than fat.”

    @samuelperla you have to be specific about your goals. Do you want a lower number for your scale weight? Why? So you can fit more people in an elevator, so you can be a jockey, so you can make weight, so you'll be easier to carry? How did you select that to be your goal? Your diet is...
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    To eat or not to eat before working out in the morning?

    @insanelydisturbed I bet. I've only listened to his 30 30 30 video where he definitely made it up 😆
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    To eat or not to eat before working out in the morning?

    @aroah1015 If that guy's name is Gary Brecka, take his advice with extreme caution. Sometimes he just makes stuff up. Your pre-workout eating habits are about how you feel during your workout. I've had light breakfasts, 100 calories worth of gummy bears. Sometimes I just have a protein shake...
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    I really don't like Squats, can I just do leg press instead?

    @heislove1980 Get a trainer to coach your squats, so you have less uncertainty around them. You can do leg press, but they're not as effective or beneficial as squats. It's investing in a skill for life. All the movements that require squatting, and actual squatting weight lifting. And it's a...
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    I really don't like Squats, can I just do leg press instead?

    @lhenzkiey Yes. But I wouldn't say it like that. It's kind of like I like clean clothes, so I do laundry and find ways to make it enjoyable lol
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    Reasons/motivation to workout

    @sparklepaws23 Think of why you want to workout. How working out improves your quality of life, the sense of accomplishment you feel after.
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    Worked out after 4 years using the stair master but don’t want to over do it

    @itscw It's best practice to get a physical when restarting exercise. It will help ease your exercise anxiety. Regular anxiety is for a therapist. Considering the goal you stated, there's no need to make your workouts super hard for the first few weeks, or at all. Start gradually, enjoy...
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    Looking for input on my workout routine

    @yellowking I think some core exercises will help. Unevenly loaded lunges, single arm presses, kettlebell pull throughs, bird dogs come to mind
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    Core exercise video for someone VERY out of shape 😅 29 f

    @livingontheedge Don't focus on your core, especially not using sit ups as the standard. Get a physical. Then get a balanced whole body training program. You can do yoga or pilates or just walking to start
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    Disappointed by little progress

    @fernandosn You're doing great! The best thing is that you love the workouts; that helps you stick with them. Number changes come slowly, but you're on the right track. Make sure your eating is on point, try to get 5+ servings of fruits and veggies per day.
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    Beginner bodyweight routine advice?

    @preciousklay this doesn't make sense to me at the moment. You have a training program including weights, but you want to taper off and not use weights? Do you want results? Why not go to a gym? Or get a kettlebell?
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    M18 beginner workout

    @greatbuss You're gonna be pretty tired at the end of these. I'd suggest 2 sets of the isolation exercises. I think bench, deadlift, pullups, squats is a better order. Deadlifts and squats on the same day is tough. Add in planks, bird dogs, banded side plank clamshells, or ab rollouts for...
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    What are the best ways build muscle from home?

    @peacefan If you can stand it, I think you should try getting over the weird people at the gym and focus on your workouts.
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    Lifting while losing weight - pointless or no?

    @safsafs Technically, training usually leads to gaining lean muscle mass. You can't gain TOTAL body mass/scale weight in a calorie deficit. So changes are due to: 1) an improved coordination of muscle tissue and contractions, leading to strength gains 2) a body recomposition, from a combined...
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    I want to lose 8 lbs in 1 month

    @colinpf Possible. Depends on a lot of factors... The secret is there are no calories in fiber or water, so eating 5+ fruits and vegetables every day will have a big impact
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    Tips for Dieting

    @jesusfreak1814 Make sure you train your legs. Eat good sources of lean protein and consider a protein supplement like whey isolate
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    I couldn’t even do 5 minutes on an elliptical!!! Help!!!’

    @andrewmicheals Nice investment! The key to sustainability is doing something that you can maintain. The public health guidance is 150 minutes of moderate activity exercise per week, so 30 minutes a session is a useful goal. Start with going 30 minutes at a pace you can sustain twice a week...
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    overall trying to be healthy/strong but not sure what to eat

    @cornbreadfed614 You don't have to eat meat for protein. You just want to make sure you're getting enough iron and b vitamins in your diet, and eat a range of veggies for complementary proteins. You can also eat a variety of foods and still get great results! A run training program can help...