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    Question thread for our AMA with Dr. Brandon M Roberts and Dr. Peter J Fitschen starting Wednesday April 15th!

    @paparazi257 Question for both What study or studies would you most like to see be conducted in the future? Or perhaps a better question would be what questions would most like to see answered from a study?
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    Why do gear users have different Protein requirements

    @rogue06 2g per lb is about the max, even with enhanced, before there is a large drop off, and even some deleterious effects start showing. Israetel is a clown and should not be the barometer for anything in the natural bodybuilding world.
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    Question thread for our AMA with Dr. Brandon M Roberts and Dr. Peter J Fitschen starting Wednesday April 15th!

    @paparazi257 Questions for both What is the biggest thing you have learned or do differently know with prepping clients than you did in the past?
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    Does Meal Timing Matter? - Menno Henselmans, Stronger by Science/Danny Lennon & Roberts et al

    @great_depression yet when I posted multiple sources from Jorn Trommelen and Alan Aragon stating that spreading protein over 4 evenly spaced meals, with each meal containing at least 40g was considered "most optimal" a bunch of clowns in here try to shit on my chest
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    4 day split? (25 y/o)

    @godsmusician Eat enough to grow Train with higher proximity to failure Reduce volume What does your current set and rep scheme look like and what is your proximity to failure Also, brother, you are trying to gain 20lbs of lean tissue? That’s a 5 year journey minimum as you are not a noob...
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    Question thread for our AMA with Dr. Brandon M Roberts and Dr. Peter J Fitschen starting Wednesday April 15th!

    @paparazi257 Question for both What is the biggest thing you'd like to see change in the competitive Natural bodybuilding arena? (i.e. shows, organizations etc)
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    Question thread for our AMA with Dr. Brandon M Roberts and Dr. Peter J Fitschen starting Wednesday April 15th!

    @paparazi257 Question for both It seems like every time a study comes out there are always at least one if not more significant limitations that make it difficult for people in our world to asses its actual significance and employ practical applications. Things like subjects were untrained, or...
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    what are some easy, healthy ways to get more calories in?

    @grapheme diabetic exchange
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    Today would’ve marked the start of a 15 week prep. Here’s the result of 6 weeks of cleaning up the bulk in anticipation of this contest prep

    @niecey85 He is stating the difference being modest was for volume non-equated, and no diff on volume quoted. I dont give a fuck, I dont workshop Brad like this sub, but I do think he is fairly credible, minus the whole 45 set bullshit. He does not shit on bro splits, in fact many times he...
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    Today would’ve marked the start of a 15 week prep. Here’s the result of 6 weeks of cleaning up the bulk in anticipation of this contest prep

    @niecey85 I prefer 2x a week freq, so I'm not disagreeing, but even this sub's lord and savior Dr. Brad has settled on it being not as important as we once thought, as long as the volume is there...
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    Hypertrophy Training. It's not that complicated

    @great_depression good post my dude
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    Hypertrophy Training. It's not that complicated

    @trumpeter2 100% agree with you on all points. This "evidence-based community" is full of arrogance, hypocrisy, and predatorial behavior that literally sickens me.
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    Any cons on doing upper-lower split 3 x week?

    @greenmart123 nothing wrong with it, just do it. Dont look at your "split" as per week volume, look at it across the month, if hitting Upper twice a week in one and once a week in the second you are still getting sufficient work in if of course you are training hard in those sets.
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    The Ultimate Guide to Muscle Protein Synthesis - Jorn Trommelen, PhD

    @sttruth Yeah bro, some new research data came out that basically proved wrong all of his claims and his "research" about the hip thrust being superior. Then people started digging and found that the research and data collection methods he used for PhD were trash. The newer studies were much...
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    The Ultimate Guide to Muscle Protein Synthesis - Jorn Trommelen, PhD

    @dawn16 ehh not really, he did do that, but that wasn't really why
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    The Ultimate Guide to Muscle Protein Synthesis - Jorn Trommelen, PhD

    @great_depression This article is super old and he created a bunch of drama and fallout when he wrote this. It is fine to share, but I dont know if I would call it the "ultimate guide" this is the kind of things noobs read and take as gospel, rather than learn how to think on their own. Look...