Gaining weight on a caloric deficit. HELP!

@activatedalmond This is too short of a time period to really have any significant value. It is most likely just water fluctuation. You need to take multiple weights from the week and average them out to get your weight. I can wake up one day and be a lb above what I was 2 days before even though I'm at a 1k caloric deficit. Then 2 days later weigh a lb less. Give it about 2 weeks of averaging your weights. Also make sure you're measuring every single thing that goes into your body. A lot people think they are at a caloric deficit but in reality are eating 600-1k calories more than what they actually are just because they aren't measuring everything correctly or just not counting certain things like oils, seeds, or condiments at all. Which are all calorie dense foods in very small amounts.
@tri21mom I definitely agree that it’s been too short of a time period. I’m just stressing and overthinking the number on the scale on the day-to-day. Now that I’ve been reading replies I have been relieved of my stress in regards to my weight.

I’ll be averaging soon, thanks for the help
@activatedalmond As I’ve lost 150 pounds I noticed that there’s just soooooo much variation in overall water and glycogen. Greg doucette always mentions how it’s 3% of your weight. Sometimes your body just stalls at a certain weight for weeks before it evens out mathematically to what you believe it should be based on the deficit you’re running. After 18 months of cutting with a goal of 1% loss of my body weight with an evolving decreasing TDEE my weight loss should’ve been perfectly linear. It’s not. My weight loss looks more like a staircase. Just ride it out
@activatedalmond Here is something that caught me out bigtime when I started. I started weighing out all my food when I did my first proper cut and for a few weeks I was putting weight on. On the back of the food packages it will give you the nutrition information. Some of this is as raw , and some is as prepared. This varys depending on the supermarket. Say rice for example. The difference in calories between cooked and raw is almost three fold. At the start of my cut I was supposed to pe eating 200 g of rice per day and I was actually eating 600 grams. Just be careful when reading packages. As sold and as cooked are huge in difference.
@activatedalmond You are not in a caloric defecit, youll know when you are in a caloric defecit because youll be losing weight

dont rely on expendature calculators. im 6'1" 214 and I am around 1800 calories to lose weight.
@activatedalmond have you been taking pictures weekly and measurements?

the most realistic answer here is that you just simply not in a deficit. Usually for two reasons you have underestimated how low calories actually need for you rot be in a deficit or you are not tracking properly or at least tightly enough.

that said, there *could* be other factors at play, which is why scale weight is not the end all be all. you need to be doing pics and measurements.
@activatedalmond You need a mentor or coach. Stick to your deficit. Don’t change anything for at least 1 week. If you are in true deficit, wait for the ‘whoosh’ effect. Be patient
@activatedalmond It's been too few days to even care about your weight. The body doesn't "know" you're in a calorie deficit yet. If you're weight would've been lower by now it would've been because of less water weight, but that shit can fluctuate by the kilos even if your diet and day to day activities are pretty much equal.

Just stay on plan and within the week or two you're most likely going to be on a steady weight loss! If you really are on a deficit that is.
@lynnc I admit, I was just overthinking it the last few days. I just feel like competition is right around the corner and I want to see my results follow a straight and narrow path day by day, which is never the case. It’s 16 weeks out, but mentally it’s 1 week out.

I’ll see how I am in 2 weeks and make adjustments as needed.