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  1. M

    Is A-B required for PPL?

    @revbillw No, but you’re probably neglecting some things if you do the same stuff every 3 days. Do you get in neck, forearm, calves, and abs training? Even if the main program is the same I’d at least vary the accessories
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    Top 10 exercises

    @victorcourville In no particular order: •RDLs •Ez-bar curl •Neutral close grip lat pulldowns •Leg press •ATG squats •Chest supported row •Seated calf raise •Flat dumbbell press •Overhead press •Weighted decline situps
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    6'3/M/20 - 187 lbs, 13-15% BF - My goal is to get to 243 lbs (110 kg) and 8-10% BF, would appreciate advice!

    @luxchmi 243 lbs at 15% would be crazy and look crazy. I still think it’s doable after at least 10 years natty though. I highly doubt you could get to 243 at 8-10% though
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    What is your favourite meal during a weight loss phase?

    @namibia Chicken thighs and salad
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    Anyone done PPL once a week with success?

    @entropy82 When has it ever taken 4-5 days for your chest to recover?
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    How can I afford meals?

    @americandeist Buy a bag of unflavored protein from It’s crazy cheap there. Flavor it with cocoa powder and sugar (I’d recommend stevia but it’s expensive). Chicken thighs and legs regularly go on sale for $0.79 a pound near me. Also, for both protein and a ton of...
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    Bulking and van driving

    @bc1 It helped but I just felt better cutting out carbs during the day. I’ve developed a lot of food intolerances in the past few months that make it so I barely eat any carbs now, and I think my issues with drowsiness stemmed from the developing stage of whatever digestive disorder I have now...
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    Bulking and van driving

    @bc1 I used to have issues with eating and drowsiness too, and they stemmed from carbs and lack of cardio. Your steps are good so I’d just say eat very low carb until you get off work. Maybe try drinking more calories because I also get drowsy from physical fullness. Of course, this is all just...
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    What’s your thoughts on the oversized t shirt?

    @righteousbyfaith I don’t like tight fitting or oversized tees. I like normal sized shirts.
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    How long do you rest for in between sets?

    @distantthoughts 2-3 minutes for isolations, 3-6 for compounds depending on how taxing they are. I really only rest 6 minutes after a really heavy squat or deadlift set. The way I reduce total workout time is by supersetting any movement I can. Sometimes I will even superset three movements if...
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    When you train, how do you prevent your hands from cramping up?

    @themartinfamily You need more electrolytes, mainly salt. I make a gym drink that is just true like powder, sweetener, and salt and I have never cramped during a workout since starting that.