When you train, how do you prevent your hands from cramping up?

@lovein17 Anyone that doesn’t want their grip to be the limiting factor. I’ve always preached to only use them when you absolutely have to, as grip strength is important, but still, this is a bodybuilding sub. Building the actual muscles are more important than grip strength for bodybuilding. It’d be different if the OP was working on raw powerlifting.
@themartinfamily I get the exact same thing, it's more an annoyance than anything serious, having to reset on each rep half way through a set or just let your hand progressively cramp up really impairs your focus.

Out of interest how long are you working out for? I recently switched to a PPL from an upper lower split and the reduced time in a given session for push/pull vs upper seems to have stopped this problem for me, training to failure for 2 hours was fucking me up. You could also consider adding some electrolytes or small amount of carbs intra workout to see if that helps
Also sounds like you get it worse than I do, I typically get it doing DB OHP, DB lateral raises, never had it from lower body exercises and I use straps for pull so make of that what you will...
@themartinfamily You need more electrolytes, mainly salt. I make a gym drink that is just true like powder, sweetener, and salt and I have never cramped during a workout since starting that.
@themartinfamily Start doing some grip strengthening exercises. Farmer carries are good. Shrugs are decent too. Switch out step ups for something else since your grip is hampering leg development. I wouldn't advise using straps at your age since you have a couple more years before you should start needing them. Also look up how to grip bars properly just to ensure you're using the right technique.
@themartinfamily If your actual joints are aching, that can possibly be a sign of arthritis and/or carpel tunnel syndrome. Yes, even at your age. I’d try the suggestions here for electrolytes, hydration, and straps/hooks, but if you continue having issues, I highly suggest seeing a doctor.