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    How to improve shoulder and rotator cuff conditioning (e.g. Cuban rotations)

    @dawn16 Yes. Right now I just lie that way for a while before changing positions so that I can fall asleep, but it is becoming more comfortable and I think I’ve fallen asleep a time or two like that. My infant son sleeps like this all the time, and if there is one thing I’ve learned from having...
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    How to improve shoulder and rotator cuff conditioning (e.g. Cuban rotations)

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    How to improve shoulder and rotator cuff conditioning (e.g. Cuban rotations)

    @qtpie71 It’s a king. How long are your arms? :D
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    How to improve shoulder and rotator cuff conditioning (e.g. Cuban rotations)

    @bibbigo I'd agree with those who have said external rotation is far more important to practice than isolated internal rotation. A huge part of rotator cuff health has to do with anterior tightness as well. Lots of doorway stretches, floor angels lying on a foam roller along my spine, and...
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    HEY, EVERYONE! November is here and it's PULL-UPS MOTIVATIONAL MONTH! Join us today!

    @jcob Yeah, girl! Get it! As for the assisted pull up machine, it won't really hurt you but it doesn't translate to free hanging pull ups. The body mechanics are different. You could do those and lat pull down to try and get to your negatives if you want, but once you can do negatives I would...
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    Sunday Show Off + AMA Announcement: Daniel Vadnal of FitnessFAQs will be answering questions on December 21st!

    @groo101 Well this is a very unconventional progress report for this subreddit, but as a followup to my handstand pic posted last week.... This is my progress this week. We did our last handstand on December 6, and she decided to come on out December 11th a month ahead of schedule. Guess she...
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    Concept Wednesday - The Minimalist Routine

    @rdmarita As far as lunges instead of squats or step ups, first of all step ups require "equipment" where as lunges require a floor and yourself. For the population that this is intended (those with no goals who just want to be less than sedentary), lunges are probably easier and safer. Many...
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    HEY, EVERYONE! November is here and it's PULL-UPS MOTIVATIONAL MONTH! Join us today!

    @rdmarita Woot! This is just what I need! I wrecked my neck/traps several weeks ago and finally had to take three full weeks of total rest to let it heal. I just started coming back a week and a half ago, starting only with rehab work and now moving on to regressed strength work. Stats...