@ering Stats: M, 40, 175cm/5'9", 77.5kg/170lb.
Goal: Get the shoulder mobility to hold a straight line in my handstand, as I believe this deficiency is holding back further progress.
Progression: I can hold a freestanding HS for about 20s on my best attempts, though my kick-up is very inconsistent. I don't have the shoulder mobility to hold a straight line, and I typically under balance in my handstands.
My plan is to do shoulder opening / strengthening 4-5 times per week. This is very timely as just two days ago I got to see my handstand with a mirror for the first time in a long while, and it was clear my shoulder mobility was not where it needs to be. This lack correlates with what I feel is my biggest problem holding handstands, which is under balancing when I attempt to straighten out my line. I'm feeling very motivated to fix this right now.