At the start of every training session, I do a lot of shoulder warm-up and prep with many exercises. I wanted to start a discussion specifically about internal and external rotation to share what I do and to find out what others do.
I think my shoulder routine, which is self-developed, is due for an overhaul in 2019 since I just did the same thing in every warm-up during 2018.
Edit: clarifications.
I think my shoulder routine, which is self-developed, is due for an overhaul in 2019 since I just did the same thing in every warm-up during 2018.
- External/Internal Rotation with a 5lb plate - wrist is straight (HORIZONTAL) - I do about 20 slow reps with about 180 deg range of motion on either side. On the external rotation, I extend the ROM an extra 15 deg.
- External/Internal Rotation with a 5lbs plate - wrist is straight (VERTICAL) - I do the same or 20 reps slow with >180 deg ROM. On the bottom of the movement my hands is points to the floor but over time I have increased my ROM so that I can go about 30 deg past vertical which is not easy, but possible now. This is similar to a one armed Cuban rotation.
- Cuban rotation 2x20 with a 30lbs straight bar and again on the top of the movement, I over rotate past 180 deg so my top position is about 30 deg behind my head. Again, this is very tough but in the past few months, my ROM has increased a lot.
- PVC Shoulder dislocates 2x20 slowly with arms locked out.
- I do 3-4 more other exercises for the shoulders, but no overhead pressing and no barbell work at all. I don’t know what the exercises are called so I would have to make a video to better explain them.
Edit: clarifications.