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    Squatting AtG is not necessarily better than parallel

    @josho Keep playing around with your foot position until you find something that allows you to break parallel. In my very unprofessional opinion, breaking parallel is more important than ATG, they just get equated some times. Scale your weight way back and work your way up from a solid air squat...
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    Squatting AtG is not necessarily better than parallel

    @josho Play around with foot placement, can you get into a deep squat without any weight? Do goblet squats. Work on ankle mobility, get heel inserts or shoes for squatting.
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    Deadlift form check (115 lbs, 135 lbs)

    @james512 A few tips that others haven't mentioned. As you work to hinge at the hips, lower your gaze a bit. Don't look so straight forward, this will help you avoid over extending your neck, but also make the hinging motion feel more natural. As with your grip, try a hooked grip before moving...
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    Is it possible to recomp without dieting and tracking?

    @cwriter15 This is really helpful, thanks! And keep up the great work!
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    Is it possible to recomp without dieting and tracking?

    @cwriter15 Thanks for the motivation. How long do you cut for and then how do you maintain after that? Do you just recalculate your TDEE or go back to what it was before?
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    Is it possible to recomp without dieting and tracking?

    @ambasea Oh, I'd never be able to do this! Even when I've had food poisoning I always have some degree of an appetite! Lol.
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    Is it possible to recomp without dieting and tracking?

    @cwriter15 That's what I feared.
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    Frustrated with barbell back squats

    @sunshine27 1+1 1/4 squats are also good at building strength out of the whole. You descend, come a bit back up, go back down and then ascend as fully to complete the lift. Also, if lifting shoes aren't an option, heel lifts have worked well for me. I have the older version of the VersaLifts...
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    Is it possible to recomp without dieting and tracking?

    @mlm146 It is helpful to hear, thanks. I do think an overhaul would be a helpful first step. I've considered taking photos of everything I eat for a week to serve as a visual food diary and going from there.
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    Is it possible to recomp without dieting and tracking?

    @mlm146 Yup, when I saw the first bit of definition in my arms and back I definitely started wanting faster results! I feel really good about my relationship to food atm and don't want to do anything too drastic. I feel like I eat pretty well, have plenty of energy to get me through even the...
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    Is it possible to recomp without dieting and tracking?

    @sheldonl Yes! This! I want to see progress, of course, I mean, who doesn't? But, I also want to maintain my sanity.
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    Is it possible to recomp without dieting and tracking?

    @notsparedtherod Thank you!
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    Is it possible to recomp without dieting and tracking?

    I'm at a weight and size I'm happy with 32F, 5'6, 137lbs. However, I would like to burn some fat and grow more muscle i.e. recomp. I mostly avoid processed foods and most of what I eat is fresh or homemade (yogurt, hummus from dried chickpeas, granola, etc.). I eat healthily enough M-F (yogurt...