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  1. M

    I have what trainers say is an incredibly high training volume, but not sure how to train for the most muscle intensity during the week

    I tried asking an AI to design my muscle training program, because the stuff that most corporate gyms have for planning doesn't go intensely enough, so what would you personally do to train each muscle group as intensely as possible? Gym managers are even shocked to see how intense my training...
  2. M

    As a slow twitch domineant weight lifter, why would a gym manager yell at me for working out too much?

    @helpinghand101 but slow twitch heal differently than fast twitch
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    As a slow twitch domineant weight lifter, why would a gym manager yell at me for working out too much?

    @butterflypappilon do your research, you obviously don't know enough about muscle fiber types to answer the question
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    As a slow twitch domineant weight lifter, why would a gym manager yell at me for working out too much?

    @turnip52 i've tried a few gyms, and kick me out when I say "that's nice"
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    As a slow twitch domineant weight lifter, why would a gym manager yell at me for working out too much?

    @steph what makes you think i'm a troll, because fast twitch fibers recover differently than slow twitch.
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    As a slow twitch domineant weight lifter, why would a gym manager yell at me for working out too much?

    I read that slow twich fibers recover after 60-90 secconds temporarily, but my gym manager doesn't like that I have more slow twitch muscles (i.e. 8 sets per group per day at least). Why is this? On a side note he used to be a professional soccer player.