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  1. W

    Anyone have a good routine for working out?

    @richard12789 Beginning lifters body are in an environment every experienced lifter wished their body could be in all the time. Your muscles are not used to resistance training and are going to be shocked as you work them. You will be able to stimulate VERY quick growth with the simplest of...
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    Anyone have a good routine for working out?

    @richard12789 Are you a beginner for resistance training?
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    Weak Chest, HELP!!!

    @aaronreed1962 Are you competing in weight lifting? Barbell bench press isn’t actually all that great of a hypertrophic exercise. Change up to dumbbell incline for a while. Allows you actually squeeze the chest more since you can bring the weight together
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    Not Losing Weight

    @ilovemoon Without knowing your diet, assuming you are eating enough protein and making good choices, it’s time to lower the caloric intake or increase the caloric burn. One way or another you need to reassess and change it.
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    what’s your favorite exercise?

    @guenhwyvarthecat Can’t answer for him, but studies show muscle growth stimulation is triggered most by stretching the muscle under load. Dumbell bench allows you to get far lower into the stretch than traditional barbell, that said if you have a cambered barbell, you can get an amazing pump and...
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    Is working out 2 hours too much?

    @padres1969 I don’t mean any disrespect with this, but it’s usually because people are “moving weight around” as opposed to intentionally using weight to grow muscle. Will It work, sure it can grow muscle, but it’s far from the most effective way to do so. Really focusing on every rep, make them...
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    Is working out 2 hours too much?

    @padres1969 There is always grey area in every fitness tip. It may work for them, genetics, food intake, etc. That said generalizations on best practices can still be made. It’s a matter of figuring out what’s best for your body at a certain point. During a workout the graph is not linear to...
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    Is working out 2 hours too much?

    @padres1969 Think about it this way. If at the beginning you are really pushing hard, forcing the muscles to adapt for 45 minutes. The next 1:15 you are just “moving weight around” because you are fatigued, or at least if the first 45 minutes is done with the right intensity, you should be fatigued.