what’s your favorite exercise?

@guenhwyvarthecat Can’t answer for him, but studies show muscle growth stimulation is triggered most by stretching the muscle under load. Dumbell bench allows you to get far lower into the stretch than traditional barbell, that said if you have a cambered barbell, you can get an amazing pump and stretch
@guenhwyvarthecat Yeah I prefer dumbbells over barbell because of the shoulder strain. Risk isn’t worth the reward. If I am pushing weight I’ll get the same results on a machine. Dumbbells allow for more control and stability. I think it’s just better. But I can’t knock a barbell bench press. It’s just my preference.
@judahs_lion The wide grip pull-up.

You don’t need fancy equipment to do them, you can train them often, they are a top 2 exercise that will give you the best bang for your buck for physique aesthetics (right next to DB side laterals), and they can give you an idea of how strong someone is for their relative bodyweight.