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  1. S

    Which KB do you suggest

    @wordsinthewater Hmmmm, I thought about it, but i read somewhere that competition bells are made for single arm workouts mostly and since im newbie and use both hands for swings I put it out of the equation. But i like the size of the competition bells, it also costs +20$
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    Which KB do you suggest

    @dawn16 In Greece, for 16kg you can find kettlebells between 45-75 euros (except the one I mentioned with PVC, which feel pretty weird for me because of material and size). The one from the first picture, I found it for 50€. I checked for a 16kg Rogue KB, but its costs much more with shipping...
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    Which KB do you suggest

    Hi, I have a16kg KB made from PVC which I find pretty big and my hands are also getting wet and slippery throughout the workout so I'm looking for a new KB. Which on of the below do you suggest (1or 2)...
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    What does e/s means?

    Thank you 🙏🙏
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    Any 3 day programs you’d recommend?

    @benimarutempest Glad I helped, check his YouTube channel also! Joe is amazing
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    Any 3 day programs you’d recommend?

    @benimarutempest KBOMG followed this for month and a half. I can't recommend this 3 day free workout more. When I started I could barely do a press, now, I can do 20 TGU with ease. I started with 16kg KB.
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    What does e/s means?

    Hi Dears, I recently started the Free 3 Day Simple Start Kettlebell Basics Program from KBOMG and I have questions. - At some points, the pdf says e/s. For example: Single arm KB Row 4-5 x5 e/s KB 2 Handed Clean 4x 3-4 e/s What does e/s stands for? - Also, when we use one hand...