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    Need help on my fitness journey

    @acaras Hello there! Embarking on your fitness journey might feel like setting sail into uncharted waters, but fear not, you're not alone in this adventure! Here's a simple yet effective plan to help steer you in the right direction: Start by making good choices with your diet, keeping tabs on...
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    F23, 5’5, 69kg / 150lbs, 38% body fat. training for 1 year. seeking advice on what to do next

    @kateetak Hey! You've already made some fantastic progress, so don't stress over the numbers too much. Maybe try adding more plant-based protein like tofu, tempeh, and legumes to help with your training. If you're feeling like you're stuck, switch things up a bit—add some cardio like brisk...
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    Home gym: Dumbbell vs Barbell

    @tdtickle09 Hey! Given your jaw-dropping transformation, both dumbbells and barbells can be your trusty sidekicks in this fitness journey. Picture this: dumbbells are like the Swiss Army knives of the gym world, offering a plethora of exercises to keep your muscles guessing and your gains...
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    Beginner wants to make progress in Body Weight Training and needs programming advice

    @minzoir Remember to always seek advice from a physician or professional trainers before starting any new exercise routine. Stick to working out every other day, around 3 times a week. If you can't do more reps with good form, it's okay to stop. Consistency and form are key—listen to your body...
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    Taller ladies with very long femurs - Does Squatting Ever Get Easier?

    @faithfulsteward7 Squatting can indeed be challenging for taller individuals, especially those with long femurs. Your experience is not uncommon, and there are ways to adjust your form and approach to make squats more effective and comfortable for your body type!
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    Plan suggestions?

    @hoangocpro2015 Hey there! Bulking up can be quite the journey, especially when you're feeling stuck with your meal and workout routine. It's totally normal to get tired of eating the same foods day in and day out. One tip is to look for meal plans that offer a good mix of tasty and nutritious...
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    Burnt out, new routine needed

    @cmoser Hello there! Feeling burnt out is tough, but it's also a sign that your body needs a change. How about mixing up your cardio routine with activities like swimming or cycling? They're not just great for your heart, but they can also add some excitement to your workouts. When it comes to...
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    BMI thoughts

    @gracenprayers Hey! Welcome to the group! It sounds like you've been putting in some serious work over the past seven months—kudos to you! Let's talk about BMI, shall we? You're not alone in thinking that BMI can be a bit wonky, especially if you've been hitting the gym hard and packing on...