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    Easy ways to add protein to my diet?

    @rubertnrubert Why avoid protein isolates?
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    Which Multivitamin is Best? I can't decide

    @613jono What about Ovega-3 brand for algae oil? It bad a labdoor A rating
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    Bulking breakfast for people who don’t want a ton of food

    @iwantpeace Tofu scramble with roasted potatoes!
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    Dumbbell P/P/L routine check

    @vartikasinha Hmm any suggestions?
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    Dumbbell P/P/L routine check

    @tornado16 Thank you for your advice! Do you recommend 3x12 for the first exercises instead of 4x12? Just finished a deload due to plateuing and being burned out, so I am re-evaluating the volume I am doing, not sure if it is too much?
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    Dumbbell P/P/L routine check

    @tornado16 6days (PPLPPL rest)
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    Dumbbell P/P/L routine check

    @jonkaro Thank you for your advice! Do you recommend 3x12 for the first exercises instead? Just finished a deload due to plateuing and being burned out, so I am re-evaluating the volume I am doing.
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    Dumbbell P/P/L routine check

    Hello! I am a 30M, 5’9” 140lbs looking for feedback/advice on my Push/Pull/Leg dumbbell routine. My goal is hypertrophy and I am using dumbbells d/t availability and improve/prevent muscle imbalances. I have been lifting now ~3 years with not great progress (likely due to not eating enough). I...
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    Tofu Is Bad, Actually

    @yelhsalove How DARE you? Tofu is life.