Bulking breakfast for people who don’t want a ton of food


New member
Does anyone else despise having to eat MOUNTAINS of food to meet your bulking dietary goals? I always have trouble with breakfast because “traditional” breakfast foods (pancake, waffles, oatmeal, etc.) are generally not high protein, and I don’t want super heavy food first thing in the morning like vegan sausage, bacon, etc. Protein shakes are good, but they can get old really easily. I also find that unless I get a good portion of my protein earliest in the day, it’s hard to get my protein in throughout the day (since I’m typically busy with lectures throughout the day so I have to rely on snacks like PB&J, granola bars, etc.)

For breakfast today I made a chorizo omelette with Just egg, vegan chicken (soy curls), soy chorizo, and mixed peppers along with a pack of instant oatmeal mixed with soy milk and nuts. ~900 cals and 60g protein for the whole meal!

Does anyone else have a go-to high protein, high calorie breakfast that doesn’t require a large volume of food? Would love to hear your ideas!
@strivingforgodsglory I love nuts and nut butters to get large amounts of proteins and calories quickly!

I’ve never heard of maltodextrin (I assume this is what you meant, I tried to Google but no results showed for maltdextein) in shakes. Does it change the texture or taste at all?
@iwantpeace Oh I'm sorry, yes I meant maltodextrin, made a typo there.
No it doesn't change the texture at all, it dissolves perfectly fine.
Its some kind of sugar carbohydrate, just make sure to brush your teeth after breakfast and the shake.
Haven't heard lot of bad things about maltodextein so I guess it's not like sugar at all.
You can take up to 1g per kg bodyweight or 0.45g per pound.
@iwantpeace Just smash a smoothie.

300ml soy milk
Scoop of protein
20g flaxseed
120g spinach/kale/coriander/parsley
2 bananas
100g berries
Water to thin it out as desired

That's like 50g of protein right there. Granted it's not high in calories at only 640, but top it up with some healthy fats, or more bananas, or dates and you will get it up.

Reason I like having this for breakfast is because it is liquid and it is easy to digest. It fills you up in the short term, but you can eat not too long after, which is especially good if you're bulking.
@sdegrad I used to love protein shakes in the morning especially when I was in a rush for lectures, but recently in the past ~6-8 months I’ve noticed they cause me a lot of bloating and digestional upset. I’m not sure what could be causing it, I’m assuming it could be the artificial sweeteners in the brands I’ve tried, but I notice the same response when I ordered brands without artificial sweetners or just isolates sometimes, too. But it’s been a while since I’ve had protein shakes regularly, so maybe I’ll give them another go. Thanks a lot for the recommendation!
@iwantpeace Could also be as simple as something as the way you're drinking them. If you're taking big gulps of air along with the smoothie, that can also cause bloating.
@massave I love tofu scramble! I’ll have to play around with some new recipes as my usual mushroom-bell pepper-spinach scramble is starting to get old lol. Thanks for the recommendation!
@gloriouschild I love tofu scramble! The only complaint I have is, sometimes I find it can be really low calories even for a decent serving size. I feel like I have to eat a lot of it to get atleast 500 calories for breakfast, which can set me back in the day since I typically eat most of my calories in the AM and have snacks and lighter meals throughout the day, simply because I’m so busy and not home typically throughout the day.

Thanks for the recommendation!
@iwantpeace I've tried chocolate, vanilla, and unsweetened. There are loads of other flavours.

Chocolate is my favourite. It is just a great tasting drink.
Vanilla is also nice but a bit too sweet if I'm being picky.
Unsweetened was not nice. Maybe it's meant to be used as an ingredient rather than a shake on its own.

Texture hasn't been an issue for me. Infrequently I get small lumps that don't mix into the shake properly but other than that you can add more or less water/milk to make the shake thinner or thicker.
@iwantpeace What exactly are you looking for? You said you don’t want to eat a lot in the AM then posted a 900cal breakfast. Are you saying that’s not what you are looking for and need something high protein but less cals/food? Or examples like posted?
@zennah I meant higher calorie and protein but lower volume. I’m trying to bulk after losing a lot of weight very unhealthily going vegan but am having trouble eating a lot of high volume foods, if that makes sense. I used to be able to eat a LOT of food in one sitting but when I initially went vegan ~1.5 years ago I was a really stressed and busy FT college student who was also working PT so I was essentially eating nothing but cereals and toast all the time because that was the only thing that I could think of that required no cooking. So I think that may have changed my appetite and now I have a really hard time eating high volume foods. A lot of vegan bulk meals I see are a lot of food volume wise, if that makes sense, so I’m trying to find more lower volume but still high calorie/protein foods/recipes. Apologies for any confusion!
@iwantpeace Kreatures of habit oatmeal 30g of protein 340 calories. Or just a cliffbuilder bar 20g of protein 290 calories. Or a truenutrion custom protein shake powder at 26g of protein 120 calories.
@pollard I totally forgot about Clif bars! I use to bang clifbars especially the cliffbuilders before I went vegan, but I think I overdid it to the point where I lost my appetite for them lol. I will definitely pick some up because 20g for a bar awesome especially since I’m on the go so quick snacks like that are a must. I’ll have to check my local grocer to see if they carry that oatmeal, and maybe even add some nuts/seeds and some soy milk for extra protein. Thanks a ton!