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    A calorie is not a calorie??

    @reddragon4444 I always think it's not so much about avoiding stuff that's bad, but getting stuff that's good. If I'm full of donuts I've got less room for meat and eggs and vegetables.
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    8:30 mile testing

    @oldgringo Run it on the hard one then and smoke the test
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    Should I buy 20kg or 24kg if I mainly just do swings?

    @iowa52241 Probably a 32kg at least
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    Recommended split for working out 3x/wk

    @comradesnarky183 Intensity is the 5/3/1 progression bit, which is run as 5s pro. So a bit heavier than volume day, for less total reps/sets.
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    How do y'all do KB swings and Heavy weight training?

    @hunter101 Love a micro workout, I try to run at least a mile and do some jump rope every day. It all adds up.
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    8:30 mile testing

    @oldgringo Do you have to do it on a treadmill or outside? Train like you compete right. Best way to get faster at the 8:30 mile is to run longer than a mile for a bit (and slower), then do speed work as you get closer.
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    Is Kattlebell Swing a Resistance training or a Cardio?

    @sezzalovesmj It's not that great at aerobic training, although "viking warrior conditioning" makes a good run at it. They are great for HIIT type anaerobic conditioning though.
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    @bosirejared Just ignore the bodyfat and muscle mass readout it's a load of bollocks. Have you tried training and eating to be awesome? Rather than worrying about the scales and the numbers, just doing stuff that makes you awesome and then eating stuff that makes you awesome. Fuck the numbers.
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    8:30 mile testing

    @oldgringo What are you training? Are you trying to train aerobic fitness, anaerobic, lactate threshold or just try and beat your mile time? None of these matter which treadmill you're on, you just need a training effect.
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    How do y'all do KB swings and Heavy weight training?

    @rswembraced I would chuck in a couple of hundred swings at the end of the workout or in between sets of everything else. No worries. Might need to work up to that.
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    Recommended split for working out 3x/wk

    @comradesnarky183 I really like the 5/3/1 1000% Awesome (from 5/3/1 forever) layout as a 3 day split. General gist is: Monday - intensity bench, volume squat Wednesday - volume press, volume deadlift Friday - intensity squat, volume bench And then whatever accessories you plug in.
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    Fitness Goals for 2024

    @hallartistry It's just the consistency week in week out. Let's go!
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    Workout Routine Critique

    @barneycottontop I can only see 3 sets of pulls (I guess you can kind of count cleans and deadlifts, maybe?) and 28 sets of pushing.
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    Fitness Goals for 2024

    @hallartistry Long term plan is to bench 140kg in the year of being 40. 39 next summer, currently mid long hypertrophy block so we'll see if that brings anything to fruition. It'd be nice to take another stab at running 1000km in a year. I made just over 900km before, only on 565km this year so...
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    What does your warm up look like?

    @newbeginning1996 DeFranco limber 11, squat thoracic extensions, unweighted reverse hypers, hanging leg raises.
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    Can I get fit with only minimal outside gym?

    I would do squats and Romanian deadlifts at the gym. Spam the hell out of the squats, work up to a heavy 5 then multiple back off sets of 10. Then a bunch of sets of 6-12 on RDL. The rest of the week should be pull ups, dips, rows, overhead press and core/conditioning work. Maybe some single...
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    Can't lose weight on 1500 calorie diet

    @crosswise Numbers sound decent!
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    List of Kettlebell Strength Standards Using StrengthLevel

    @raykay I just can't believe there are strength standards for lateral raises. "Hey bro, what do you lat raise?" "Bout 12lb bro" "damn, sick pump"
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    Is S&S really enough? Read mor for context. Im pretty new to this fitness thing

    @mr_loevinger Don't overthink it. Do it for a bit, do some push ups and chin ups, lead an active lifestyle, go for walks, be your own hero.
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    Can I get fit with only minimal outside gym?

    Bench = dips Ohp = kettlebell press Squat = split squat Deadlift = swing/snatch That sorta thing. You may need to change rep schemes. The important part is RPE.