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  1. C

    2024 semifinals - Oceania, and North America West - Day 2

    @katshavens I was very close to going but I'm not a fan of general admission tickets. I'd rather have my assigned seat for the entirety of the events or just sit at home to watch from there.
  2. C

    Rogue Invitational - Day 3

    @giftsigns I actually had trouble with mine. Dunno if it's my connection or what but with such short times for the Duel, I was lagging so bad that I'd miss entire heats. Ended up watching the YouTube stream for that instead. Might rewatch for Fraser's comments during the men's heats
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    Rogue Invitational - Day 3

    @giftsigns Nah. It's all available end of day but there's no rewind during
  4. C

    Rogue Invitational - final day

    As can be seen above, I am articulate and have great insight. I should commentate all these events.
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    Rogue Invitational - final day

    @giftsigns Laura and Tia are tied at first with 680pts. Ahhhhhh!
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    Rogue Invitational - final day

    @giftsigns Roman sliding down that hill like a kid.... 😂
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    Rogue Invitational - final day

    @youthcenterdream Oh Tia's absolutely celebration worthy. Her being a hair away from winning it all is madness! I just hate some of the talk that occurs that Laura only wins if Tia's not there or isn't at 100%.
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    Rogue Invitational - final day

    @forgivenkali They'll unfortunately still caveat that "WeLL tIA's PoST PaRtUm" 😒
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    Rogue Invitational - final day

    @giftsigns I reeeeeeally hope Laura takes it at the end. And I agree. The weather hiccups are unfortunate especially for the Strongmen. One of their events got cancelled and the rest were inside. :( I think given the circumstances Rogue still did ok.
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    Rogue Invitational - Day 3

    @mbahchidinma Hopper heard you and decided to win The Duel lol
  11. C

    2019 subreddit CrossFit Games Fantasy

    @jonjones229 I know it. I know that it's not reasonable but f*** it. It says "Fantasy" on the title! Ragnheiður Sara Sigmundsdóttir FTW! I want her to do well so stinking bad!