2024 semifinals - Oceania, and North America West - Day 2


New member
Torian Pro -

West Coast Classic -

Qualifiers for games -

North America West - 9 men, 8 women, 7 teams

Oceania - 4 men, 4 women, 3 teams

Leaderboard -

Oceania - https://games.crossfit.com/leaderboard/semifinals/2024?semifinal=235&division=2&sort=0

North America West - https://games.crossfit.com/leaderboard/semifinals/2024?semifinal=233&division=2&sort=0

Individuals Events -​


Event 2 - 5 rounds for time:
  • 100 double-unders
  • 20 toes-to-bar
  • 10 front squats
Time cap: 18 minutes

Men: 225 pounds

Women: 155 pounds

Event 3 - 7 rounds for time:
  • 10-calorie Echo bike
  • 1 legless rope climb
  • 10 box jump overs
  • 1 legless rope climb
Time cap: 16 minutes

Men: 30-inch box, 15-foot rope

Women: 24-inch box, 15-foot rope
@katshavens cost of travel in general to get to/stay in the area, add in it's memorial day weekend so prices are higher than usual, no one wanting to travel on memorial day weekend, general lack of interest in crossfit anymore on the west coast (this was the area it first started in so it's been around "longer" and has been replaced by new fitness trends).
Quite a big drop-off in time for the Oceania men in event 2 after the top 4 men- almost a minute difference between the 4th and 5th place (12:18 to 13:13). Compare to Europe where the competitors are more evenly spaced. there were 10 men in that one minute (from 12:19 to 13:17).
William Leahy looked like he was going to smash the best time for event 3, but then something happened. Still a good time, but he didn't look too good at the end, I hope he is not injured.