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  1. D

    Not getting a routine that works for me

    @lorna1964 Try hanging, like for a pull up, but just hang there for 30sec x2-3. Sometimes this is quite restorative. Every other day: Kettlebell swings + push ups. The swing and the planking part of the push up can really help with offsetting sitting. Set a timer for 20 min and see how many...
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    Help this dad fight “dad bod”

    @lostandfound123 Easy Strength for Fat Loss.
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    Are presses enough for upper chest?

    @curiousmel As I said add it if you Have to. You might not. The bigger and thicker you are the more you might need to. If you just want to tag it on do 1 set to near failure then with minimal rest another set with half the reps. Done.
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    Are presses enough for upper chest?

    @curiousmel My suggestion is to try it and see. My experience says it might be enough for a lot of people. Particularly if you are thin. Push Ups, Push Ups w/ handles, Dips, and weighted Dips are all good mass building options. KB and one of them push up and dip racks would have 90% of your...
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    Need fitness routine for feminine tone

    @dawn16 Yeah Squat, Deadlift, Lunge... Add in some Clean and Press... and maybe some sort of Pull (chin up or cable row). 3 sets of 8 with minimum rest 3x per week.
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    Noob question about 4 vs 5 day splits

    @cassuk11 Here is one that works M - Upper - Heavy - Bench, DB Clean + OHP, Chin Up Tu - Lower - Heavy - Squat, RDL, Lunge Th - Upper - Light - Bench, DB Clean + OHP, Chin Up F - Lower - Light - Squat, RDL, Lunge Not sure what rep schemes you are using but on the light day do 1 or 2 sets...
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    Looking for dumbbell recommendations

    @bow2me Tbh I'd buy a bunch of used plates and some Kensui handles. If you're buying a 55lb set of adjustable I might check out the Nordic Tracks as they actually have a normal dumbbell shape...
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    Anyone run The Giant with other exercises?

    @luvpinky I hate how he makes the site look.
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    Anyone run The Giant with other exercises?

    @anojinzouningen In his new plan Easy Muscle, it's kinda like the Giant + a few sets of squats or chins.
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    Minimalist program

    @archieraptor I'd do Iron Cardio
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    Home gym routine for 39 y.o. F ?

    @franklampard14 Yes
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    Kettlebell noob here, would appreciate some tailored advice for what to buy to supplement my research. :)

    @gregory_r_g For a similar price as a 16 and 24 you could get an adjustable one from Rogue or Kettlebell Kings. Eg
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    Home gym routine for 39 y.o. F ?

    @franklampard14 Easy Strength for fat loss. Been running this myself. Dropped about 13kg since May and gained 10-15% strength (not bad considering my level is more intermediate to advanced... my daughter nearly doubled her strength in 6 weeks). Thing is, it is so easy it is hard to make an...
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    Pat Flynn’s Get Strong 10-5-3

    @nj123 Thought this was a genius routine. Best thing he may have ever come up with just for the simplicity of it.