Working out, work, and life balance


New member
Hi all! I started my gym journey last April and so far I love it. I am curious, how do you guys balance working out, 8hrs of work, and day-to-day life?

Personally, I am struggling! I try to go to gym in the morning from 7-8:30AM and I start my work at 9/9:30AM-5/6PM and sleep around 10PM. I work from home so my hours are flexible but I still try to follow a routine to make my days productive.

This schedule is so tight and most days I struggle. After my gym session I always feel exhausted and would just flop on the couch for an hour and even if I do get to do some work, I can’t focus because I feel like I need a nap. So, I end up starting my work late and finish late leaving me no room to do anything else in the evening besides getting ready for bed.

Also, I tried going to the gym afterwork. I tried but never happened 😂 I feel like my motivation to do any physical activity die after lunchtime.

What kind of schedule that worked well for you? Do you mind giving me a rundown of what your day looks like?

Cheers in advance.
@ilovemyfather Wow. Saw this video not like 10 minutes ago and thought it really applied to what you were saying. Geoff is a real programming genius and commonly has clients with busy schedules do shorter workouts.

I know it is about kettlebells but it could easily apply to any implement. Geoff has a lot of great programs, many you can search up for free.

I know when I started using kettlebells I started using a timer and it was amazing how much work one could get done in say 15-20 min. Actually, when I started with this format it was with a single 50lb dumbbell and I was doing a little complex 3 dead cleans/3 presses/3 front squats, 5 rounds, 3 days per week. I was using a heavy weight that I could maybe do 5 good presses with. At first, I just did each side separately and did 5 total rounds. Then I started doing left and immediately doing right before resting. Then I started Every Min on the Min (EMOTM). Then I did doubles. It was amazing how good a workout this was and the 5 rounds only took about 10-15 min.

Point being there are lots of shorter workouts one can do at home, if time pressed or if the gym is far away. Its much better to workout 4-5 days a week with shorter work outs than 3-4 half-assed gym work outs.

Currently, trialling Dan John's Easy Strength with my daughter. It takes us about 25 min and really just needs a dumbbell or kettlebell, but we have access to some barbells too. And it is amazingly good. It looks dumb on paper but is amazingly good in practice.
@ilovemyfather You'll get more resilient and conditioned over time over the years, and won't need a break/nap right after working out.

Minimize time transitioning to working out. Home gym is key for me. See r/homegym for ideas. When I work from home I literally turn around from my computer and start my warmup, and get to work in the rack in the same room as my desk. Occasionally I'll work through an interesting work problem while resting in between sets, but I don't recommend this.

My general schedule;
- 745 wake up.
- 8am kid+school
- 9am start work day, hydrate, have coffee
- 10:30am work out
- 11:30am shower, eat, house stuff
- 12pm go back to work, or ride bike to office for in person meetings
- 6pm wrap up work, do family stuff, dinner
- 10pm chill for an hour before bed
@ilovemyfather Surprisingly it's pretty chill. What really helps is completely removing my car commutes. 7-10 minute bike ride for school dropoff and office is a huge luxury, and working out at home makes it easy to schedule in workouts.
@ilovemyfather Working out has become like showering for me, it’s not optional. I know I want to remain healthy and need to keep my body tuned. I eat properly as well and give myself 3 options - 5am/lunchtime/late afternoon to get it in. It’s not always the best workout but as long as I finish what I intended to complete it’s a win.
  • Get up at 4am
  • Prep lunch or dinner 4-5am whilst drinking coffee
  • Warm up 5-5:30am
  • Workout on weights days or work on cardio days 5:30-7am
  • Start work at 9am
  • If it's a cardio day, I'll do an 8-12km run around 10am
  • Finish work at 5:30pm
  • Bed at 8pm
  • Asleep at 8:30pm
It's a weird one, but it works for me. I realised that nothing useful happens in the evening because I'm tired.
@ilovemyfather Go to bed early, get 8 hours sleep and have the same routine every single day. I don't set an alarm and wake up naturally at that time now. On Sundays I get a lie in until 5am. Currently this is the best option so you gotta do what you gotta do.
@ilovemyfather Perhaps there are aspects of your life, such as recovery/ nutrition/hydration/ sleep quality etc, that could help you feel more energised and less exhausted.
@ilovemyfather I work from 6 am to 2:30 pm and go after work and try to be asleep by 10 pm also. If I started at 7:00 I’d def go to the gym at 5 am. When I started work at 8:00 and had an hour plus drive I’d wake up at 5am and go. You just gotta go man. Caffeine always helps. But so does making sure I am eating correctly and getting all the necessary nutrients. I also take a multi vitamin just to ensure I’m getting all the necessary things I need. Can you possibly start work at 7am? And gym after work instead?
@dawn16 I thought about changing it to that sched. And I probably will try it! I live in Finland and most people finish work around 3-4PM here and many go to gym straight away meaning gyms are full around this time 😅 but its worth a try! I prolly will this week.