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  1. Z

    I hate lifting

    @servantj If it makes you feel better I am the opposite and despise cardio. I can’t think of anything worse. But after enough time I got into the habit of doing it and manage to do it 5-6 times a week (just 30 mins of LISS). I also lift weights 5-6 times a week. I don’t love it but it’s...
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    I hate lifting

    @servantj If you want to gain muscle you have to lift weights. No amount of cardio will gain any significant amount of muscle. Just embrace the suck that is weight lifting.
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    How do you get 100+ grams of protein per day?

    @vanillachaiandcoke Combination of a few things. My weight, training, and some literature says non-animal sourced protein may not be as good as vegan based so I take a little more to cover that. It’s working well for me. Good progress in the gym, blood panel shows no issues. I can certainly tell...
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    How do you get 100+ grams of protein per day?

    @jszy04 200ish here. breakfast: high protein raspberry pancakes and one sausage lunch: Mexican pasta dish. Side Greek yogurt with high protein granola pregym: bowl of cereal with high protein milk post gym: 1.5 scoops of protein powder dinner usually some sort of high protein...
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    What’s your relationship with alcohol?

    @cdlara381 Few light beers every day. Probably why I can’t lose the fat I want to. Haha. Muscle gain fine. Fat not so much.
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    Dr. Gregor says not to consume over 25 grams of soy protein per day. What are your thoughts?

    @rtmtigwelder4472 I have a hard time believing that guy only eats 1200 calories per day.
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    I don’t understand the direction this sub has taken in the past months.

    @darrendance If you think just switching to being vegan immediately makes you have a clean diet, I fear you haven’t met many vegans. Honestly that’s probably why a lot of new vegans quit because they become so unhealthy with a crappy vegan diet. As for steroids, why does that matter? You can...
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    High cholesterol as a vegan

    @slowmarathoner Well so much for that idea. Is this the first test you’ve had where it’s high? Meaning other tests were fine and just this was high. Or this is your first blood test period? If the latter you could just be unlucky with genetics and have high cholesterol.
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    How to eat 190g of protein a day as a vegan on a calorie deficit?

    @tyva2002 Nice work! I was going to say if you bump the calories up around 3k it’s easy (my diet is around 200g protein with they many calories). But you got the protein and low cals. I think I’m going to have to steal a couple of those ideas too. ;)
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    High cholesterol as a vegan

    @slowmarathoner I’m almost with you. My LDL was 107 but the rest where in order. Do you exercise? I can explain mine because the last 10 or so blood tests my cholesterol has been perfect. Always get compliments from the doctor. This one I haven’t exercised once since my last test. Diet hasn’t...
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    How do you get enough protein?

    @nathanpaul My calories are a bit higher than yours (3000-3300) and I’m about the same protein. Goal is 200g a day. Even though someone will say “that’s too much protein” they need to keep in mind 200g of plant protein isnt the same as 200g as animal protein so the regular numbers don’t exactly...
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    Vegan (or at least vegetarian) Creatine Recommendations?

    @bac Haha. Yeah I have no idea why I did that other than I’ve been dealing with mg for the last while and it’s muscle memory. When I saw your reply my first thought was what the hell are you correcting me for. 5g is the correct dose. Then I looked at my post and saw I put mg. If that...
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    Vegan (or at least vegetarian) Creatine Recommendations?

    @bac Thanks for catching that. Fixed. I’ve been spending too much time in peptide subs. Taking 5mg of creatine a day would be a total waste of time.
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    Vegan (or at least vegetarian) Creatine Recommendations?

    @ginger1108 No loading phase. 5g every day - not just workout days. I use powder and just mix it with my post workout shake. Some studies say for best effects take right after workout. If you feel like you get bloating you can try HCL instead of mono. That’s what I’ve been using recently...
  15. Z

    I fing hate protein shakes. How do I eat enough gains?

    @newbee3 Here’s a tip. First I can’t stand protein “shakes” for the most part or protein powder anything. This works up to two scoops. Two scoops into shaker. Mix only enough water to make us liquid. In a small shaker this is usually half full of water and powder. Shake it. Drink as fast as...
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    Which Multivitamin is Best? I can't decide

    @xemketqualode One tip when looking at vitamins. Well two… Try to avoid proprietary blends. You have no idea what levels of what are actually in there. I think the first link I clicked had a massive list of stuff in a fairly small dose - aka a waste of time because you are taking minuscule...
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    Bulking breakfast for people who don’t want a ton of food

    @iwantpeace What exactly are you looking for? You said you don’t want to eat a lot in the AM then posted a 900cal breakfast. Are you saying that’s not what you are looking for and need something high protein but less cals/food? Or examples like posted?
  18. Z

    Anybody getting 3,300+ calories a day?

    @missionaryadvocate I can hit around that pretty easily. AM is a breakfast burrito. That’s around 800-900 cals. Lunch is blt sandwich, chips, Greek yogurt with protein granola Pre gym apple and pbj sandwich. Post gym two scoops protein powder. Dinner is some sort of seitan/rice/veg. Maybe a...
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    Has anyone ever had chronic ankle pain due to ankle sprain?

    @dlantoni I used to skateboard in my younger days. I have sprained both ankles numerous times, some severely (I’m talking black and blue and softball size). I’ve even broken one. With that said, years later I have zero pain in my ankles, very good ankle mobility, and never had surgery. I also...
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    Doctor said being vegan will kill me and if I wanna be healthy then I need to eat meat again :(

    @happywifehappylife The doctor “thinks” you are anaemic or did he actually run any tests to confirm that? I’d suggest posting what you eat during a regular day. That would help determine if your diet sucks. There are plenty of vegan women that do fine as vegans and aren’t passing out everywhere.