Dr. Gregor says not to consume over 25 grams of soy protein per day. What are your thoughts?

@celticpiping People need to realise that nothing is ever black and white and it’s shades of grey. Case in pony is IGfF-1, you want to be more athletic it’s great! You want to live longer. Not so great. It’s up to individual to make a choice and they can always reevaluate and adjust as time progresses.
@ichthymom Usually a fan, but his last book How Not to Age totally confused the f*ck out of me on this topic.

Also, love that he is an advocate for the plant based cause, but he is never going to win over the carnivore brotein crowd while being the pale, skinny vegan stereotype.
@rinalamb He was my main source of info 12 years ago when I was trying veganism for the first time.

However, he is so unabashedly biased, I cringe whenever he makes a cameo in a new documentary, etc.

His overly animated style of speaking and the fact that he looks a mess…yea, ain’t no one gonna follow this dude except those that want to drink the Kool-Aid.
@froginmaryland How would you say he is biased?

Do you have any new sources you like better?

He was my gateway vegan drug too.

I have always appreciated someone reading and breaking down studies for me. But even I am getting tired of the oversimplified"vegetables cure every problem in the world" thing.
@favourgrace Dr. Amun Ra (check yt) eats less than 1400 calories a day and it was in 2014 (if I remember correctly) that he held the national US record for a lift in his category. In many videos he shows all his way of living and eating.
@ichthymom I had 55 grams of my protein coming from soy yesterday.. 🫤 (1/3 block of tofu and 50g of soya chunks + 250ml of soy milk (my protein powder is not soy based))

Is this too much really? Sometimes I make a tofu scramble that has 2/3 of a block in it…
@ichthymom i love dr. gregor but following his advice to a T is not realistic for me. soy is the best source of protein for me so i won’t be restricting. if you find it easy to get protein from other sources then go for it, but i wouldn’t worry about it too much! i think the most important advice he offers is to eat a wide array of other healthy foods
@ichthymom The effect of high protein (specifically leucine) on pure longevity is still being researched, but many of the issues people face if they are lucky enough to make it to old age are around mobility and muscle loss. The more muscle and mobility you go into old age with, the longer you can stave off those issues. Everything is a trade-off.
@ichthymom Why do you want the thoughts and opinions of someone else? M.D. Gregor just shares what he learns from the latest papers he and his team get their hands on.

Anyone can also search for papers, have you seen all the video on soy in the nutritiomfacts.org website? Check the video library.

What do opinions and thoughts gonna do against science and evidence? Isn’t that what we also tell non vegans after many of their silly and ignorant statements?

Are you searching for a different maybe nutritionist or doctor in the group that could share a different paper demonstrating that Gregor shared info that was not to date? Or just searching for people to tell you to continue with soy? Or what else brother?

So far I only see comments “insulting”.
@morningfireeater Have you seen his videos from nutritionfacts.org? He and his team of doctors and medics check papers/studies, and just simply share the latest evidence in nice and short video format that anyone can understand. And with subtitles in many languages.

He doesn’t talk out of his ass, he is for many, one of their reason for becoming vegan and plant based, specifically because the talks with facts, with a base.