ask gymbros ❓

  1. S

    Can’t get my head around protein

    I 22m have recently started hitting gym it’s been 3 months with only a weeks gap due to fever and as I indulge more in the gym culture I’ve realised that diet should be the top priority. My main goal is muscle gain since I belong to skinny fat category. Here’s the thing an uncle of mine is a fan...
  2. S

    Does it make sense if I switch Push-Pull-Legs with Push-Pull+Legs ?

    Hello everyone! I am a 30 year old millennial, 172 cms tall weighing 103 kgs when I started working out in the last week of February 24. As of today I weigh 98.35 kgs. My goal is to lose weight and get stronger. For the initial two weeks I followed the PPL split. After two weeks I made some...
  3. M

    What are your lifting stats?

    I'll start. Bodyweight: 70KG, 5'8" height. Bench: 80KG x 5 reps Deadlift: 120KG x 3 reps Squat: 60KG x 4 reps I haven't tried for 1 rep max yet, but I tend to keep my reps in the range of 4-6 for most sets. I have been regularly and seriously lifting for the last 1.5 years. Was irregular...
  4. D

    Hey fitness bros need your advice

    I’m facing following issues since start of this month, After losing 7kgs I hit plateau, despite of bringing variations in my workout regime, changing diet, I’m still not seeing results both weight wise or inch wise. I have lost my appetite and that is slowing my already terrible metabolism. I...
  5. R

    Review my YT short 🤓

    Hey there! I am a medico and have been lifting for more than 2 years now. I have recently started to make some content on YouTube and wanted some genuine feedbacks on my content. I will be making more nuanced and in-depth videos in the future. I have been making shorts in very general and...
  6. D

    Cutting (Fat loss) help

    Requesting to read this full🙏 I’m currently on a cut But I am not sure what my maintenance calorie actually is. Current Weight: 62kg Height: 169cm Age: 22 Gender: Male Activity: Gym 5-6 days in a week Can anyone find my Maintenance calories? The calorie calculators on the internet are...
  7. J

    Had a disaster at the gym

    So, I’ve been going to the gym since a year. I’ve lost a good amount of fat and gained a significant amount of muscle. At the start of the journey i was told to do cardio for 1 month straight, they’d never let me touch weights. But later on i asked them to give me a routine, and they did. Even...
  8. M

    Need Advice on way forward

    Hello everyone, First post in this subreddit so if flair is incorrect or if there is any other issue, please bear with me. I(M 29) was flagged with diabetes 2 years back and made a habit change of going for walks in morning for 2.5-3kms which previously was close to 0. On some of the recent...
  9. M

    Whey protein for beginners, please suggest!

    Posted a month (or so) ago on this very sub asking for weight loss suggestions, have lost around 3 kgs already, thankyou everyone! A beginner, haven't joined a gym and the only workout I do is 1 hour of walk, climbing stairs (8 floors roughly), morning yoga, some sprints. (can't do more since I...
  10. Y

    Need advice for exercises to do at home

    Hey everyone! I am 21M, skinny fat, h = 6ft, w = 68 kg (I know, am underweight for my BMI ). Recently, I decided to aim for a lean body, but my biggest constraint are : I don't have much strength to begin with, and I cannot go to gym because of a health condition that forbids me to sweat...
  11. T

    how to make a proper workout plan for PPL ?

    So i was following push/pull/legs routine made by my local trainer. i couldn't afford PT so i took whatever routine he gave which was felt wrong ever since. Its been 6 months and i rejoined gym, went thru whole full body workout phase again and now want to create my own routine of PPL but idk...
  12. B

    Need your help with my research on Recreational sports & fitness preferences among adults in India

    Hi everyone! I'm doing a quick survey on recreational sports and fitness preferences among adults in India. Your inputs will be super helpful.. Click HERE to take a quick survey and share your favorite ways to stay active. This will help build something that addresses your needs and lets you...