beginner fitness

  1. S

    Reasons/motivation to workout

    I’m looking for reasons that people use as a motivation to workout. Doesn’t have to be major as long as you have a sense of connection to it. Reason for this post is that J have been having issues finding motivation/discipline to workout everyday; so I was wondering if some motivation or shift...
  2. P

    What am I doing….

    So long story short-ish…. I’m early 40’s and I am wanting to get in shape for the first time ever. My whole life I have been overweight but more importantly I have no muscle. I’m mostly just fat. I have been going to the gym since April of last year and have had some success. I started around...
  3. H

    How do I get to 15k-20k steps a day with a full time job ?

    I want to walk 20k steps a day, six days a week for the coming 3 months. When I get in the "normal" BMI range I'll drop my steps down to 12k steps six days a week. Unfortunately I am barely getting 7k to 8k steps a day. I work from home. I try to walk around my house during my coffee breaks. I...
  4. P

    Core workout advice/tips

    What up team? wondering if y’all could critique my core day exercises. Definitely interested if you think I should be adding any exercises or replacing redundant ones with more efficient movements. I don’t really do sit-ups beause I heard that can hurt your back when I was young but idk the...
  5. G

    3-4 Sets or 2 Sets until failure?

    Hey all I'm looking to build muscle and lose weight/belly fat currently about 150lbs 5'8 male mid 20s. My current routine is PPL 2x weekly with a rest/heavily forearm focused day in the middle and walk/run on the treadmill daily for 30-60minutes. I've always done 3-4sets and anywhere from 6-12...
  6. B

    Best place to cheaply stock up on athleticwear?

    I tend to sweat heavily and exercise daily, so I'm going through workout clothes like water. Use Rockin' Green to clean them once a week but wondered where the best places are to stock up as cheaply as possible (e.g. I noticed at TJ Maxx sometimes shirt sir shorts come in a 2-pack).
  7. E

    Losing strength in gym

    I’ve been in a calorie deficit most of the time for the past 6 months (lost abt 20lbs). I do weightlifting and cardio 6-7 days per week. For the last month or so I’ve definitely lost strength in the gym. In the beginning I was progressively overloading but that stopped in the last month and at...
  8. J

    Which one out of these workouts would be best?

    These are two full body twice a week workouts I took from the internet and changed to accommodate the equipment I have, since I’m doing it at home. I’m curious which one you guys would recommend, and if I should change something with it. Also suggesting warmups or stretches for the workout would...
  9. H

    Feel like my bench press never improves

    Looking for some advice here, I (M42) began seriously weight training in 2022 and was in the gym regularly 4 days a week doing a M/TH Upper body T/F lower body split. During this time I was able to improve my press from about 90 to 145lbs. Last October I hurt my shoulder and ankle in a bike...
  10. F

    Disappointed by little progress

    I am a 28 y/o, 5 foot woman that is tired of being overweight. I have consistently worked out over the past 5 years (mainly boxing 1-3 times a week) but sometimes don’t go to the gym for weeks and eat whatever and my progress regresses. I joined a local gym rated as the best in my city for small...
  11. A

    Leg Workout At Home: 16 Leg Exercises For beginners without any equipment

    Here is a complete bodyweight beginner leg workout that you can do at home without any equipment. There are a total of 16 exercises I've shown in this video that works on the entire leg such as quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes and the calves. You can complete this leg workout routine in two...
  12. C

    Which one is better

    This video showcases the ab workout of the famous boxer triple g, I was surprised when he was doing sit-ups and side crunches with his legs held/strapped, isn’t that considered assisted ? I used to keep my feet held under a couch when doing sit-ups but a friend told me that if I want to target...
  13. S

    Extremely confused about caloric deficits + healthy eating

    So I’m a beginner as you can tell, and I’m trying to lose weight + switch to a healthier lifestyle. (Context, I’m a 5’2, ≈130lbs, 18 y/o, female. I’m usually pretty active). Anyway, I have a lot of questions and confusion about the whole thing if someone could please give me advice! 1) If...
  14. P

    Beginner bodyweight routine advice?

    So this isn't entirely bodyweight, but I'm trying to build muscle/strength before fully committing to no weights. I only have a set of 3, 5, and 8, lb dumbbells, two of each, and holding more than two at a time is painful. I'm 16M, 5'9", and 125 ish lbs if that helps. I do also want to...
  15. A

    I’m getting stronger but I “see” no difference

    So, i’ve been going to a gym for about two months and I can already tell I can lift heavier than when I first started. But the problem is, I look just about the same as when I started. I’m not getting any bigger or my belly has no signs of losing fat. I had 8.9% fat ratio on day 1 and I have...
  16. I

    Routine for in season

    I’ve [M43] been lifting 4 days a week for about 5 months now during the winter. But now my soccer season will start, I’ll be playing twice a week as well as on my feet coaching a lot. I’m curious as to how to adjust my weight lifting schedule. My current routine is as follows: Day 1 Db press...
  17. F

    As per ancient Indian Yogic knowledge, 21 Days is what it is needed to change a practice into habbit

    Link to 21 Days Yoga for Beginner Series.
  18. L

    Can’t do an L Sit

    I’m 14M and have been working out for around 2-3 months. I can do a tucked L sit but the problem is that I can’t fully extend my legs. Are there any stretches or workouts I can do to strengthen my legs and my hamstrings? I’m still new to reddit so sorry if I sound inexperienced.
  19. C

    Bulking (and Cutting) for the first time!

    Background: I'm 35 years old, 172cm (~5'8") and am currently at about 67kg (~148lbs), eating between 2800-3000 (40% protein, 35% carb, 25% fat) calories a day. Context: I used to be pretty scrawny (skinny-fat in fact) before I started on my fitness journey I have been hitting the gym for a...
  20. T

    Basic Q: Is there an App or Website to build lifting/workout routines based on your equipment?

    I am obese, but worked my way up to walking 10k steps a day. My HR has been coming down during activity, and I have lost about 8 pounds in the last 8 weeks. I want to start lifting. I have a cable machine, dumbbells, and adjustable weight bench. Is there an app/website that will help me make...