beginner fitness

  1. M

    First time going to gym as an extremely skinny guy

    Im 22 years old and i’ve never went gym before but im planning on starting next week , i m extremely skinny (6’0 and 119lbs) i eat like the average human being sometimes below average, i consume a lot of junk food (chips, cookies, chocolate, burgers…) I have no idea what workouts i should do or...
  2. I

    AB WORKOUT These Are All The Workouts You Need

  3. A

    Good goals to work toward (3-6 months)?

    36/F here- I just started working with a trainer to get stronger and healthier. I'm starting a lifting program and we are also addressing my nutrition/relationship with food. I want to lose weight in the process of getting healthy, but I don't want to make my goal "lose 20lbs" or "get to x...
  4. F

    Rate my routine

    Recently just started at the gym, looking for some feedback on my push/pull/legs routine Monday: Push Chest Press: 3 sets x 8-10 reps Dumbbell Shoulder Press: 3 sets x 8-10 reps Incline Dumbbell Bench Press: 3 sets x 8-10 reps Triceps Dips: 3 sets x 8-10 reps Lateral Raises: 3 sets x 10-12 reps...
  5. F

    New mom - post c-section bod help

    Hi there! So I had a 10 lb baby by c section. Prior to pregnancy I was a little chunky due to diet, but I’m also typically an extremely active person. I ride horses for a living. Currently it is winter, so I’m not riding and less active. I’m 9months postpartum and I just have a lot more fat on...
  6. D

    Programming for 20 minute rowing machine sessions 2x/week for an obese M(32)

    Hi. I would like to get some advice on the best way to do cardio for 20 minutes a session, 1x per day, 2-3 days a week, on a rowing machine, to keep as much muscle mass as I can while losing fat (e.g., HIIT, steady state cardio, etc…). Any advice will be greatly appreciated. I’m an obese male...
  7. M

    cannot figure out my maintenance calories

    I recently went on a calorie deficit where i ate 1500 calories daily. I continued this for 3 weeks but saw 0 progress and thought that 1500 is my maintenance calories. When i told my friend this he says that 1500 is too low to be someones maintenance calories. P.S. my body weight is 96kgs and...
  8. D

    How do you accurately know how many calories you’re burning?

    So I started this fitness journey on January 4th. I’ve made several changes but the biggest one is I’ve stuck below my calorie goal for losing 2 pounds a week and I’ve adjusted that as I’ve lost weight. I’ve also started making better choices overall. I haven’t had a single piece of candy or...
  9. A

    How to gain muscle while losing fat (skinny fat)

    Currently 6'0, 165 lbs, 20 years old. I was 220 lbs about two years ago, but I lost the weight due to strictly intermittent fasting, and so I look really skinny but I have belly fat. Currently, going to the gym 5 times a week, doing PPL, and was wondering what should my diet be to look more...
  10. B

    Want to start working out again

    Hey all! I stopped going to the gym April 2020 due to the pandemic. I want to start working out again, but I want to work out at home. I have 0 equipment. I also have a fused wrist so I cannot do anything that required me to have my palms flat on the floor/wall. Does anyone want to be my...
  11. B

    Ive recently started the gym (1 month ago) and looking for advice on my training plan

    Right now my plan is M: Pull/Core T: Legs W: Push + Run T: Rest F: Pull/Core S: Push + Run S: Rugby + Run I havent seen a lot of people combining pull with core, but is there actually anything wrong with it, and are there any other mistakes with this routine, any constructive criticism...
  12. A

    I feel like my PT is pushing me too hard. How do I tell him this?

    Hi guys, any advice is appreciated. I [26F] signed up to work with a PT for 12 months, 3x a week with a plan that involves 3x a week of weight lifting with him plus 150 reps of ab workout after that and then 37 mins of uphill treadmill cardio 6x a week. Issues: 1) the weights he has me doing is...
  13. C

    Are there any good workout regimes available in a simple poster style format?

    I’m getting frustrated with the fiddly apps and websites that don’t give me a simple picture. I don’t want animations or adverts or giffs. I don’t want to hear about all the amazing things that happened to you, me in the future or anyone else. I do t want motivational speeches. I just want 9-12...
  14. J

    beginner w!!

    i walked a whole 1.2 miles today! im tired because it was in the deep south heat, but im so proud of myself!!
  15. M

    Slow walk on inclined treadmill or brisk walking? What's better?

    Doing a walk at 3.5 km/hr at level 14 incline or slow jogging/brisk walking at 6.2km/hr to 8 km/hr on flat . Pls tell which would be better.. My aim is to get leaner (lose fat as well as gain muscle but not bulking). I'm already in calorie deficit and doing strength training 4 times a week...
  16. H

    I really don't like Squats, can I just do leg press instead?

    Been weight lifting for about a year now and I always do squats b/c well, that's just what I learned to do for leg day: squats and deadlifts followed by isolation. The problem is I HATE squats, I don't feel comfortable doing them, I'm scared for my knees so I don't feel like I squat far enough...
  17. L

    Gym advice - calorie deficit/body recomposition

    Hi there, I’m looking to start the gym again to increase my muscle and reduce body fat particularly around my stomach where I store this the most. I feel I have lost a lot of muscle growing up from restricting my intake poorly and my body just ends up holding onto the fat because it’s starving...
  18. I

    How to motivate myself again

    Okay so like 5 years ago I committed to this job and while working there, I walked about 10-15 miles a day I lost 70 pounds and felt great but the hours were long and I was never home affecting my work life balance… I recently just got a new job closer to home and better pay but I don’t walk at...
  19. J

    how can i (f) gain abs? i don’t need to lose weight but i’m definitely not in shape exercise wise

    my body-fat/weight is already low enough for you to see my and but they aren’t defined at all. how can i grow them/make them more defined (at home)? I heard sit-ups can make you more boxy and i’m already a rectangle so i definitely don’t want to accidentally do that.
  20. J

    I created a free app for people who struggle with finding a workout routine

    Hey r/beginnerfitness. I was struggling to workout so I recruited a friend and we developed FitClick. There are six categories: Dumbell Bodyweight Beginner Bodyweight Intermediate Bodyweight Advanced Cardio Dieting tips In each category the app spits out a task/workout for you to complete...