bodyweight fitness

  1. H

    Thank you r/bodyweightfitness, you changed my life for the best. I now go to the gym but still include bodyweight exercises in my routine

    M/22/5'10" [225lbs > 185lbs = 40lbs] (1 year). I tried to x-post from r/progresspics but couldn't because of the linked picture. Here is a picture of my transformation : This is a copypasta of my r/progresspics comment : "I did a strict diet for 6 months (2200->1800 kcal, macros were...
  2. F

    I want bigger legs and I want your advice

    Everytime I do bodyweight squats, I sweat a lot, I feel that muscle tension (I go full deep always) but I always have a feeling I'm not gonna get any mass on the legs from that. I've been doing it for a while, I feel that the legs ain't stiff anymore, more mobile, more flexible, buffed, but this...
  3. C

    6 MONTHS PROGRESS - No before photo :(

    Just wanted to show off my 6 month progress, Skinny fat before, (135lb) could hardly do 6 pullups and not one wide pullup Greasing the Groove for 6 months straight, Can now do 18-20 pullups Started adding weighted pull/push workouts in the last month - can do 6 reps MAX with 20kg vest on...
  4. N

    What is the proper scapular and thoracic positioning (aka form) for the support hold?

    I couldn't really find a sufficient answer in the FAQ or the wiki page on support holds. To my understanding the support (both rings and parallel bars) requires that the scapulas be depressed. The variations which I have seen is combinations of the following scapula and thoracic positions...
  5. D

    I made an intermediate routine with a focus on building muscle

    I’ve designed an intermediate upper/lower split routine with a hypertrophy focus and I thought I’d share it with you guys. I’ve seen other intermediate routines on this sub, but a lot of them seem to focus pretty heavily on skill work/gymnastics. That’s great if that’s what interests you, but if...
  6. E

    What about having a rep goal instead of sets

    Im doing 6 day push pull legs and thinking of having a rep goal to judge progress over time. M 40 Pullups 30 Ring Rows 2x15 DB Hammer curl T 60 Dips 40 Pushups 5mins Core W 100 Heel elevated squats 100 Bridge 20min Cardio T 40 Pullups 30 Ring Rows 2x15 DB Bicep curl F 50 DB...
  7. P

    Just watched an interview with the OG Hannibal For King

    First thing I have to say is he is a very interesting, inspirational and humble guy. Wasn't coming at it like he was the be all and end of training he had a very measured and respectful conversation about his training philosophy. What really interested me was he focus and commitment to high rep...
  8. E

    Wrist Torque During Front Lever and Planche

    Occasionally I see some youtube videos go over how to use wrists to assist a front lever or planche, but sometimes the information is conflicting. Specifically, which direction should the torque be applied? The way I see it, in a front lever, a torque should be applied upwards to push your lower...
  9. H

    Calisthenics with Wendler 5/3/1 or nSuns

    Hi! I've been training with weights for the last 20 years, and have recently become more interested in incorporating some calisthenics work (especially rings) to my routines. I'd still like to continue to try and progress with the major lifts aswell, so I was wondering if anyone has any...
  10. A

    3 month progress pic 29/m

    Hey all! I've been doing body weight fitness for about the past 6 months. You all are motivation for improvement. I started at 167 lbs, now I hover around 160 give or take a few. 4 months into my body weight journey i decided to switch to a rings program. One month ago I added weight lifting for...
  11. D

    Body transformation 4 years

    Same exact weight, same lighting, no pump, same angle tried to replicate each picture as much as possible! This transformation took me 4 years of consistency and my goal the whole time was to just be stronger not to train for more muscle My routine was dependent on goals that I had at the time...
  12. J

    Help Me Choose a Power Tower

    I have a power rack that I love and use daily. Now I want to purchase a power tower mainly for knee raises. Do you recommend this one or this one? Is there a better one available? I am 5' 9" and 230 lbs. so I need something sturdy that does not wobble.
  13. N

    25(f) - 5'6" - 110 lbs...Workout routine to get strong *and* build endurance (x-post from r/fitness)?

    I am a student with full access to a gym. I also do indoor climbing 2x-3x/week. I have zero endurance when I need to run/hike etc but I can swim laps in the pool... I completely get out of breath running a 13 minute mile and will be the first person to take a break on an uphill hike where...
  14. A

    Recommended routine in Spanish

    Hi! I guess everybody here can understand English, but I translated the recommended routine into Spanish in case someone want to share it with Spanish speakers. Internet has much less content in Spanish than it should, according with its proportion of speakers in the world, and I think this...
  15. M

    Thoughts on 1 Rep, 2 Rep, 3 Rep, 4 Rep,+ Progression?

    Just contemplating mixing up my workout. Someone suggested to me to take some exercises and do it in a pyramid style. Take push-ups for example. Do 1 push-up then wait a set amount of time. (He didn’t specify but probably something like 15-60 seconds. 30 would seem like a good middle ground.)...
  16. Y

    How do A sets of B reps pull ups compare with B sets of A reps ones?

    In my situation,I can only do 3 reps in one set,after that I'll be failed. But I can do another set after about 1 hour. So if it's weekend, I'm at home the whole day,I can do 12 or more sets of 3 reps pull ups,what's the effect of this comparing with 3 sets of 12 or more reps pull ups? Or the...
  17. G

    HIIT workouts when cardio equipment isn’t available?

    This might not be the best sub for this but I figured I’d start here. So basically my rock climbing gym has plenty of lifting and calisthenics equipment but no cardio machines. The YMCA I go to has plenty of cardio and lifting equipment but going to both in the same day is unrealistic because...
  18. M

    Straight arm day once per week?

    I'm making good progress on the recommended routine. I'm working on archer pull ups & rows, ring dips and pike push ups. I also do the recommended 5x2 reps of skin the cat after warm up. At 40, I look better than probably ever, so thanks to everyone who contributes here. In general, I'm happy...
  19. D

    Am I doing these O-ring pullups right?

    Was trying to start at overhand from the bottom and twist into underhand at the top. Also how long does it take to learn the iron cross?
  20. T

    Ballet or Gymnastics as an adult male?

    Hi guys. Over the past year I've checked out a lot of weekly activities in my area but I thought maybe I should stick to one rather then constantly doing different things. I was wondering what your experience with gymnastics and ballet were? Theres some points specific to me bellow but any...