bodyweight fitness

  1. G

    I finally achieved the muscle up at age 38. It’s never too late!

    I’ve been practicing bodyweight fitness for a little over a year now, primarily on rings. The rings muscle up was one of dream goals and today I finally did my first one! And then 3 more because I couldn’t believe it. I am very grateful for this sub for keeping me motivated and providing tons...
  2. G

    Is it most Effective to do each Stretch 1 minute every day or 7 minutes once a week? 🧘‍♀️

    Is it most effective to do each stretch 1 minute every day or 7 minutes once a week? For example if I have 7 different stretches is Stretching workout A or Stretching workout B the most effective? Stretching workout A: Day 1: Stretch a: 7 min. Day 2: Stretch b: 7 min. Day 3...
  3. I

    4 year difference (85Kg>~65Kg>69Kg). 5'9", 27yo M

    Pics: May 2014 (85KG) - May 2016 (~65KG) - June 2018 (69KG) - + Story: In 2015 I was drinking and eating to excess regularly. Combined with having never really exercised I was very heavy after leaving university (where I also became a massive stoner). One morning I came downstairs after a...
  4. C

    6 years on on and off ... it s*cks ... App for workout ?

    Hello workouters, I’ve been on and off working out for 6 years straight, went from 59 to 67kg as skinny fat for 1m74. Going in everyday then off for months ... There is a motivation problem. I only see my legs and arm getting bigger the rest is kind of non changing with a layer of fat. No...
  5. T

    Improving pull ups form for a full body workout

    Pull ups are hard to do and I can barely do one. I want to improve my form. I've read somewhere that when you're still a beginner, you should do the max pull ups you can and continue with negatives. I've been doing that until now (I do 6 and continue until I exhaust myself with negatives, it...
  6. H

    My fitness journey, bodyweightfitness has massively improved my lifestyle

    Hey guys! I've been working out for 9 months and I just wanted to share my journey as way to thank you, it would also be an honor to maybe motivate somebody reading this post to keep grinding. The journey 2019 - Probably my worst moment in life, just a 16 y/o full time gamer (except for...
  7. K

    What are the "Big movements" of mobility/flexibility?

    Hey everyone, we often hear about the "big 3" in weightlifting and the "big 4/5/6" in calisthenics depending on the person for strength training. Basically it's often V Push/V Pull/H Push/H Pull/Squat/Hinge maybe some add Core to that. Often people who advocate for minimalist training swear by...
  8. M

    Should this forum create a ‘Recommended Warmup’ routine?

    Sparked from the recent debate re: RR and BWSF and from my own beginner experience - I wondered if there would be a place for a ‘Recommended Warmup’ routine? I have used the RR suggestions for warmup myself, but modified- as I gather most people do, which in turn seems to be the main argument...
  9. R

    2-day split + u/G_ramirez181818 protocol

    I came across @regularposter post this past week and was inspired like many others were, so I figured I'd throw together his protocol into a Google Doc to summarize it. I've been lifting weights for 10+ years, but am finding myself needing to get back into the groove so I will be taking a page...
  10. H

    A Beginner's Guide to High-Intensity Interval Training (x-post from r/HIIT)

    A Beginner's Guide to High-Intensity Interval Training Hey! I posted this for our community at r/HIIT and I think that there may be interest here at r/bodyweightfitness too. This guide has been written to support anyone in the Reddit Community who is just getting started with HIIT. Please...
  11. C

    I made a journal to follow the recommended routine - what’s missing from it?

    Hi guys, I’ve been following the recommended routine for a number of months (after a few years off from lifting weights), and seeing some good progress, and a rekindled love for strength training, so I’m very glad I came across this sub! The apps / spreadsheets to follow the rr are really...
  12. S

    You guys enjoyed ‘The 5 Pillars of Progress’ - we’ve since integrated it into a larger free eBook that we’d like to share with you all

    DOWNLOAD THE EBOOK Hey guys, We wrote a post on here last month covering core fitness principles - The 5 Pillars of Progress. It got some great feedback and we’ve since integrated it into a much larger eBook aimed at intermediates. It’s a comprehensive guide for those who already have at...
  13. D

    BWF Primer Build-up Community Event: Day 11

    Welcome to Day 11 of the BWF Primer Build-up! (IF YOU ARE JUST JOINING US TODAY, CLICK HERE TO JUMP TO DAY 1!) Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 Day 11 (Today!) Day 12 Day 13 Day 14 Hey folks! Nick-E here. So yesterday was a whole lot of reading. Some of you...
  14. K

    Got some question about my current bodyweight routine, any answer will be appreciated

    Hi everyone, 23 yo male here. I had been lifting weights for 1 year, then I decided to switch to Calisthenics. Actually, I’m not really interested in skills and whatnot, just really like the old street workout and keeping things simple. My main goal is to stay lean, in shape and healthy...
  15. E

    How to implement deload week

    Trained for 20+ years, struggling with a few injuries so done bodyweight only for the last 2 yrs. Always done full body workouts and recently been doing 4 week cycle where i stick to the same reps for the 4 weeks and do week 1 2sets week 2 3sets week 3 4sets week 4 5sets So i get a little...
  16. V

    [Progress] Just accomplished a long-time powerlifting goal and calisthenics goal (405lb squat and Straddle FL row) @ 6'2" 205lbs

    Hey everyone, just wanted to share a major accomplishment I had last night. I hit a 405lb squat and got my first straddle front lever row in the same workout. Here's an instagram video of both (squat is the first video, row is the second): Both could have been slightly cleaner, but I'm...
  17. P

    I did my own high intensity stretching routine focused on hamstrings. This are my results after one month. (x-post r/Flexibility)

    First of all, a disclaimer. I am not an expert. I'm just a guy who read too much posts. This routine is quite intense, so it can produce pain. I got a lot of DOMS from doing it and if you follow it, you may get injured or your postural issues could get worse. Obviously, I deny any responsibility...
  18. R

    Neck Training With Calisthenics: A Guide To Building a Stronger Neck With No Equipment

    Intro Strengthening your neck muscles is an overlooked part of a training regimen. It insulates you from injuries during high-impact activities, and affects your upper body aesthetics. With the right bodyweight exercises, you can build a strong and healthy neck without the need for any...
  19. L

    /r/bodyweightfitness will be going dark starting June 12th in protest against Reddit's API changes

    Hello everyone! I'm sure many of you have heard by now, but an upcoming Reddit policy change regarding the API is incoming. This change will permanently cripple third-party apps unless they pay an exorbitant, unreasonable, amount of money for API access. This includes Apollo and RedditIsFun...
  20. M

    3 month - 6 month progress post: RR only - (M/24/6'1) 155lbs-195lbs

    The recommended routine was a life saver for me. I got exactly the results I was looking for by doing the RR with minimal equipment. I started a couple months into quarantine. I've missed a total of about 4 weeks interspersed for either trips, work, or sickness. In addition to this, I also do...