bodyweight fitness

  1. D

    Progress over four months, all while losing weight. Pointers moving forward?

    EDIT: Wow, thankyou so much for feedback, critique, compliments, the awards and GOLD! Never thought I would be one of the proud medal owners, so kind! I've been doing bodyweight fitness for around four months now. I had never lifted a weight or done any sort of strength training before this...
  2. W

    [D] Applying Mike Mentzer method in full body workouts

    As the title says, there is a lot of material in youtube and there is a 'hype' nowadays about this revolutionary Mike Mentzer method of high intensity "Heavy Duty". I'm curious and I want what is your opinion guys, please only serious replies. Try to be objective as possible. Could be possible...
  3. F

    1MP - 1 Million Push-Up Challenge (50k update)

    I’m back, and since turning 30 I’ve done 50,000+ push ups! My best day so far I did 600! I’ve been keeping track of everything in excel. A few notes since last time: A lot of people pointed out that making room for rest & recovery is important. It is! So I’ve slightly modified my schedule so I...
  4. R

    What’s your best L-sit time? And those who’ve hit 30 seconds or more, where did you go from there?

    I’ve got a love/hate relationship with L sits. I love being able to do them, but I find the dedicated training for them psychologically traumatic. Lol. I’ve had periods where I worked consistently building up my numbers with dedicated sets, but now I just try one every other day, and that’s...
  5. R

    3 yr update - 37/M

    Wanted to repost after getting some messages about physique questions and RR progressions from my last post so here we go again. Starting calisthenics was the best decision of my life. After years of injuring myself at the gym, I feel more capable and injuries don’t stop me from continuing to...
  6. M

    IMO, the sub name has to be changed. 90% of the posts here are in the wrong sub

    Tagging you @deborah123 because I know you’re a mod here and quite active. Over the past months I have noticed that most posts here are not even related to bodyweightfitness due to the fact that people misinterpret the name. A lot of them ask about losing weight (or other non exclusive topics)...
  7. J

    Three years ago I couldn’t even do 1 pushup. Today I did 60

    I used to lurk here on another account. I just wanted to thank you guys for all the advice and tips you gave out on this sub the past few years. It’s been mentally tough and physically of course. But through a lot of hard work and dedication, i reached an achievement i didn’t think I’d ever...
  8. K

    Can we have another L/V/I-Sit/Manna challenge month like this one ?

    I'm talking about that post : Looks super motivational. Wish I knew about the subreddit during those days (wasn't working out!🥲). Plus I see the L-sit less and less discussed when I compare to the posts of that time, today the advanced guy don't really look at a I-Sit or a Manna but rather...
  9. J

    (18M, 5’10, 152lb) 8 month progress

    I started around mid june of 2023 with calisthenics. Since then, I’ve been consistently working 4-6 days a week of calisthenics basics. First photo was June 19, this one is February 19. Here’s the photo: I went from 130 pounds to 152 😁 My workouts are as follows. If someone has any...
  10. C

    L Sits are getting hard as F

    Anyone else find that after a certain point L-Sits get incredibly taxing? I'm currently doing 3x~20sec Full L-sit holds and they honestly feel more strenuous then a 5x5 Deadlift session. Maybe its my form? See Pic I prefer doing them on my fingertips because I want L sit->Handstand :) Thanks...
  11. L

    Will 50 pushups a day make a noticeable difference?

    Dear community, I have been going to the gym for 4 weeks now with a friend, twice a week, i am 53KG, but i was around 51, and i am hoping to hit some weight goals. We we're benching and i got very close to 35KG bench, my friend is on vacation for a week and we talked about me getting that, if...
  12. J

    Cool, basic outdoor gym area near my house; Is it enough!?

    I have this cool, secluded outdoor gym area near my house! It's about 2.5 mile bike ride away on this nice sidewalk that leads you through a 900 Acre State Preserve near me! Talk about cool! The county I live in recently put in some Monkey Bars, this Monkey Bar looking thing but it's vertical...
  13. P

    Golfer’s Elbow: why won’t you quit me?!

    This has been the most insidious injury and I’m someone who’s had a lot of health problems over the years. I’m a climber, do lots of calisthenics, and work as a coach (CSCS) with a college. I need my body for my work, like a lot of people. I hurt my elbow back in July changing a tire. And this...
  14. B

    1 Year Progress Post! (Lots of Info)

    M, 77kg (170 LBS), 183cm (6ft) , 23 The first calisthenics related video I ever watched, and what ultimately led me to all this, was from Mike Boyd's YouTube video Learn to Muscle Up! I got super hyped and decided at the beginning of May 2018 I would do the same thing, but 5 pull ups instead...
  15. V

    A Year of Calisthenics and Powerlifting Progress (6'2", 200lbs, 19y/o - 3 years lifting, 1.5 specifically BWF Focused)

    So first, I made a progress video covering the past year from the end of last year to now. Here's the video: Brief synopsis: Bodyweight: 180 to 200lbs Handstand: 5s to 32s Front-lever: 10s open tuck to a 10s 1-leg extended max hold Back-lever: 2s straddle to a 10s straddle and about 5s...
  16. I

    Bodyweight strength training programs in Google Sheets 2.0

    A while ago I shared the Google Sheets template I've been using for my own training. Since I'm using the sheets actively myself I wanted to add some additional features I could use. All the functions are still script free so you don't have to enable anything in your Drive to start using these...
  17. E

    32yo F and 5 knee surgeries. Am I doomed?

    Im a 32yo F, current weight 148lb, and I’m 3mo post-partum. I chase my toddler around and pick up the house 24/7, I work as a nurse doing 12 hour shifts. I’d like to think I live a pretty active lifestyle. I’m currently recovering from my 5th knee surgery. R ACL 2008, R meniscus 2012, R ACL...
  18. B

    3 Years of Calisthenics (Lots of info)

    M, 170Lbs (77kg) / 6ft (183cm), 25 yrs old 🎉🎉 Hello! And welcome to my 3rd annual progress post!! 🎉🎉 Video version of this post (8 min) - here Previous Progress posts: Year 2 & Year 1 Stats Sheet Containing: Achievements, Weight, Injuries, & Training Plans [referencing this doc so this post...
  19. J

    pull-up advice

    hey y’all, I jus started working out around 7 weeks ago doing push-ups and planks. couple weeks ago I moved onto a 40lb bucket with rocks in it for curls etc but was wondering WTF is the deal with pull-ups. for the last 2 weeks I haven’t been able to do even 1/4th of one pull-up but woke up...
  20. C

    H/L/M days required in a step-loading program and ideas for implementing them?

    I am gonna start doing a step loading system for weighted pull ups to get comfortable with higher volume and was wondering if I would need a Light/ Medium day if I trained the movement 3 times a week. I'm around 70-71kg BW and haven't tested my 1 rep max previously but I suspect its around...