exercise help

  1. A

    Push Pull Legs EXAMPLE

    I've seen a lot of questions asking about Push Pull Legs splits, so I figured I would type out an EXAMPLE. As stated, this is an EXAMPLE and does not need to be implemented verbatim to be effective. The example as written would likely be too much for a new lifter. But I just wanted to show...
  2. T

    Possible overtraining? Advice appreciated

    Context: Througout this whole year I’ve been getting 5-7 hours sleep when I really need 9-10 at my age (17). I workout to failure all the time and used to do it 5 days a week with a routine that worked pretty much the same muscles all the time (back bis tris) and then every second day I’d go for...
  3. R

    Restarting working out after long hiatus

    Hi everyone - I am a 24 y/o trying to get back into my old habits of working out again. Doing a ton of remote work on my first year at the job had me not moving around as much as I always had (walking campus all day, being active w friends, running etc) for almost 7 months now. It became too...
  4. M

    Beginner Need Help With Tracking Workouts/Progression

    Hello guys I'm a beginner, I found this PPL plan in r/Fitness. In the post it has a link to this Excel spreadsheet to track your workouts I think. It is from 9 years ago so I can't post my question under that post. My question is can someone help me understand how to use the spreadsheet? How to...
  5. N

    i’m 13 F around 90-95 pounds

    i’ve been insecure about my weight and how skinny i am for the longest so i’ve been trying to workout my butt and thighs, i’ve been taking lots of protein and carbs aswell but i usually only workout for about 20 mins, 3 times a week is that enough?? or should i workout for longer??? all...
  6. V

    Can someone give me a good 3 day workout routine for v taper

    Can someone give me a 3 day workout for v taper Been going to the gym for about 3 mnths and not really feeling my current workout so can someone give me a workout routine for a v taper type physique kinda like leon edwards lol
  7. D

    Am I just lazy or do I geniunely need to see a doctor?

    I’m 5’4, 125 pounds (estimation) and I’ve struggled with exercise and being athletic my entire life. I could never run, I’m more of the stay inside and read a book type than go outside, run around and play. Today in P.E, we had to do the Fitness Gram Pacer Test, but we stopped once we did 15...
  8. F

    Why don’t I feel anything when doing RDL’s?

    I know it’s hard to give advice about this without seeing my form but when I do RDL’s I literally don’t feel anything. I’ve gotten advice on my form, I’ve watched countless videos, etc but I don’t feel anything in any part of my body doing them. I keep my back straight, head tucked in, barbells...
  9. S

    Is my 3 day split effective?

    Is my routine effective? I want wide shoulders and lats. 4 months training experience. I do the same workout 3 days M,W,F Barbell Bench press 3x8 Hack Squat 3x8 Pullups 5xAMRAP DB lateral raise 3x10 Biceps movement 3x10 Triceps movement 3x10 Lat pullovers/prayers 3x10 Chest fly machine (pec...
  10. I

    Help on a Workout Routine

    Just wanted to ask for some advice on this workout routine because I’m around 156-160 pounds at roughly 5’7 and I am struggling to get rid of some fat. If anyone had a good diet plan that would work well with this workout routine that would be great too! Workout Routine: -Day 1, 3, 5 (Arms...
  11. J

    I want to do a PPL X Arnold split but I’m a beginner

    So coming Tuesday I can finally start going to the gym. I don’t wanna go on Mondays because I have to be at work at 8 so that’s not gonna work unless I get up at like 4. I want a 6 day split because I love being active, I’m on a time crunch (8 months), plus the PPL X Arnold seems perfect...
  12. R

    Workout effectiveness?

    Hi folks I was hoping to get some advice on my workout. I’m currently doing PPL over a 5-day split. Usually P-P-L-Rest-P-P-Rest. My two main questions I’m hoping for answers on are in relation to my Push and Pull days. Legs im pretty set with I think: Do my workouts give me full coverage for...
  13. W

    Will I lose/ burn fat if I…

    Stop eating junk food like hot cheetos, lays, M&Ms, and Rainbow Sour strips Do 100+ crunches every night before bed 20+ pushups every night before bed 40 second jumping jacks every night before bed P.S. I do eat fruits like bananas, oranges, and apples on a daily basis I’m 17 years old...
  14. N

    Ok so I asked ai for a personalized workout schedule and this is what I gave me

    Monday: Cardio and Strength • Warm-up: Start with 5-10 minutes of light cardio to prepare your muscles and get your heart rate up slightly. This can include brisk walking, jogging in place, or jumping jacks. • Cardio: Follow a cardio workout video that lasts around 20-30 minutes. Cardio...
  15. A

    Im 16 y/o M, 6’1 foot and 130 pounds. How to gain mass and size?

    As title says. I am currently a swimmer with good fitness. I also do basic workouts like pushups, squats, etc. I can do about 50 of each in a set. Also, im trying to eat more with caloric surplus, but I just find that i use the toilet more frequently so idk if im really absorbing the extra...
  16. J


    Hi! Any advice or possible exercises that would work for these days in a split? ⁠Glutes and Abs ⁠Shoulders Tris Abs Active Rest ⁠Back and Bi ⁠Cardio and Abs ⁠Legs Rest I feel somewhat clueless and don’t know what to do for each day. Any help would be greatly appreciated!! 19 y/o female...
  17. B

    Advice: Can one do ab workouts while fasting?

    Hi, so as title says, I’m currently fasting everyday till 12pm due to religious reasons. I’m 19 y/o, F, 120-125lbs(55/56kg), 5’4 and had only just started working out again last week, it felt great and my body was getting used to it all again. I decided to start w ab workouts as I know I can’t...
  18. D

    Why am I still overweight even though I consume 1000 fewer calories daily?

    Hello everyone I am a 19-year-old male weighing 120 kilograms. I work as a programmer and have very little physical activity during the day. However, I have been on a diet for a while now, consuming 1500 calories daily instead of the 2500 calories my body needs. But I'm not losing any weight at...
  19. C

    Am I overtraining my glutes?

    I’ve been doing this split for a month and a half and I’m a beginner. I love going 5 days a week and i really want to grow a big ol juicy booty. But I’m hearing you should only do about 20 working sets max a week on your glutes and I def am over. Can anyone give me any tips? Which excercises I...
  20. R

    Review my jumbled workout routine

    So I started a plan and to be honest the plans a little jumbled So my workout plan is full body 3 times a week and it’s split in to A B and C A is Monday B is Wednesday or Thursday and C is Saturday or Sunday One of my problems is that It takes to long to do all of these but I don’t know witch...