exercise help

  1. B

    Dumbbell exercises to prepare for pull ups and push ups

    so I am 130 kg and cant make a single push up also cant make a single pull up. I have two 10Kgr (each) dumbbells* though that I can lift and move with relative ease. I am not a fan of negative pull-ups push-ups or how these are called. I also am not a fan of inclined push-ups (maybe...
  2. J

    u/l/u/l advice

    I've been working out seriously for about 3 years now and this is the first time im gonna make my own split and would like some feedback on it. My ideal body build would be like david laid (i'm aware he isnt natural) or kinobody (greg o' gallagher) ofc i am fully aware my genetics are not on...
  3. M

    How does one do 2~3 sets of the same rep? (while reaching failure)

    Something about me: I am out of shape. (not horribly, but noticeable) Been strength training in the gym for the last few months (not a fan of cardio) I have never been able to accomplish these two things at the same time - A) Push a set to failure / near failure AND B) Maintain the same rep...
  4. C

    I am 14 y/o and I have a question

    As I said I'm 14 and 1.6m tall not overweight,nor underweight and I am going to the gym for some time and I am seeing results but I have a sense that it's not the right time to go at gym and workout as I do because my body is yet developing and I do not want to hurt myself in some way or stunt...
  5. L

    (18 y/o male, 5’9, 180 lbs.) How many pushups/sit ups should I do a day?

    Hi all, I’ve been wanting to get stronger and I was wondering, how many push ups and sit ups each should I do each day? I was thinking three sets of 8 each a day. How long should I keep this number before increasing it?
  6. P

    40 y/o guy, no idea what I’m doing!

    I’ve tried going to gyms before and consistently got bored with it and quit. So now I’m 40 and had gastric bypass 9 months ago. I’m down 109 pounds so far. I was never muscular by any stretch, but I can tell my arms are smaller and I’m definitely not as strong as I used to be. The surgeon says...
  7. B

    Could y’all please give me advice or what exercises y’all do for biceps

    I feel like they are my weakness rn and I’m at a standstill with them. I’ve tried various exercises with them and was just wondering what you do to get an idea for my next arm day
  8. S

    How to get rid of skinny fat?

    I’m a 20F and i just have stubborn fat i can’t shed from my tummy. I’d like to be leaner in all aspects though. I do lots of cardio and enjoy being outdoors. I hate the gym. What can i do at home and outdoors that will rid me of the skinny fat build? Cardio and calorie deficit doesn’t seem to be...
  9. D

    Workout tips for me (a student)

    Hii would like some help on how i can lose weight. I can only work out for at least an hour because of school work. Most of the time i get home on or before 3pm. Ive been trying to cut down on things like sweets and soda's and other unhealthy foods like instant noodles. Im from the philippines...
  10. E

    Seeking advice

    I've been doing bodyweight workout PPL routine for over two months now, I'm a beginner and I'm trying to do calisthenics as long term activity. And I need an advice if I'm doing it right or if my routine needs some adjustments My exercises include: Monday (Push)- 5x4 chest dips, 8x4 diamond...
  11. S

    What would be easier on a beginner?

    I recently started going to the gym and doing full body m/w/f/s/t
  12. D

    Workout plan for USMC Bootcamp?

    I am an unfit 18 y/o male and I am about 6'0-6'1 weighing in around 223 lbs. I have already signed paperwork stating I am enlisting and I am supposed to ship out around late July or early August of this year, does anyone have any advice for getting fit within this time period? I do not know much...
  13. A

    This is for students and people who have irregular schedules

    So if youre trying to hit the gym but life is kicking your butt because you have an irregular schedule u might like this post. This is how I would deal with irregular schedules 1- change your workout split to an A B split meaning only 2 workouts 2- each of these days have 1 main movement 3-...
  14. B

    I’m 15 and largely overweight

    I’m not quite sure if this is the right place to put this, but I am 15, massively overweight and I really need help. For the past 3 or so years I’ve been bullied for the way I am, from classmates to my own parents, and I’m sick of it. I want so desperately to fix myself, get in shape and find...
  15. R

    Switching programs

    Switching programs Been following a 4 day upper/lower split for about 4 months. I feel like I am ready to increase my frequency and am hoping to see more gains. I have time and energy to try to do a 6 day PPL split. Here is what I’ve put together so far. I’m open to suggestions on what y’all...
  16. H

    intermediate to advanced workout program for hotel gyms

    I'm going to be on the road for the next month and then a month every quarter for the next four years. I'm looking for a good program I can do at hotel gyms while I'm on the road. I've been doing 5/3/1 BTM and BBB and 5/3/1 nSuns. Most dumbbells go up to 40-50 and sometimes they have a...