fitness after 50

  1. K

    Dumbbell limit - what next?

    I live in a small village without gym, so I use loading dumbbells for basic exercises. But reached max limit 2 x 10 kg and wondering what the next. When I can't increase the weight, I increased the reps, is this sustainable in the long term?
  2. C

    Muscle weight loss

    I'm M, 6' 170. Ideal weight probably closer to 180-185. Since retiring four years ago I dropped to 165, I'm now back up by 5, and at my physical today, doc suggested it was muscle tone. When I worked, I worked out at a downtown Y and did a circuit and some free weights 5x a week. Since leaving I...
  3. N

    Knee Replacement before 50?

    I (44f) am looking at a knee replacement before 50. I’m 5’10”, overweight, work out 5 days per week , lifting classes and spin, and my joints have always been bad, even as a kid from sports and genes (autoimmune disorder). I want to stay active as long as I can. Has anyone had a replacement...
  4. C


    I am a 62 year old Female. I started back exercising in August 2023. I started lifting weights for the first time in August too. I workout with Caroline Girvan on YouTube. I have bought several books to learn as much as I could. I was working out for 30 minutes 5 days a week. I’ve begun to see...
  5. J

    53 M - Question/Advice needed. - DOMS

    I've been actively lifting for 38 years now, so I am not new to this game and completely recognize the adjustments to Testosterone and recovery as I've gotten older but my muscle soreness is off the chart lately. Granted, I probably still train like I'm 20 but my split (single body part/day)...
  6. J

    Gains possible over 50?

    Hi All, I'm 52 male, 6'4" (193cm), 265lbs (120kg). Here is a little backstory. I was stick thin until I was about 19 years old and started working out and eating a ton of food. By the time I was 24 I looked pretty good, My weight was around 215 (97kg) and I was benching 250lbs (114kg). not an...
  7. W

    97 YO, strength training, began at 89, deadlifts 235lbs. stay young!

    97-year-old weightlifter shares how strength trai…:
  8. I

    Weekly update part 2

    Well almost the end of another work week. A good session on indoor bike last night. A lively workout. Got a 4 mile run on programme tonight. Weigh in day tomorrow - that elusive 14 stone target remains just that, elusive. Plans for weekend. Day off tomorrow, parkrun on Saturday...
  9. S

    Should I see significant improvements after 5 months of training?

    I’m 52 year old male who has lifted weights on and off since I was 15. I took 3 years and returned to gym in July. I spent the month of July adjusting but since like mid August I have been hitting it hard. I had a good sized belly and love handles. Other than that, I looked decent from a fat...
  10. S

    Getting high with weights

    I’ve never been stoned or drunk but I can’t imagine any high being better than an excellent workout. I think I’m more appreciative because I’m in my second month of being back in the weight room after an involuntary two years off from working out. I started lifting weight in the military when...
  11. D

    advice appreciated

    In the last month I have begun a lifestyle change. I have transitioned to a low carb high protein diet to dispose of a grief belly I accumulated during my morning process. My question is about exercise. I was getting zero exercise before. Currently I'm walking 20 minutes a high cardio...
  12. R

    Tell me I’m not crazy

    I’m 55F my bmi was 27 when I really started the latest push to take 30 pounds off. I was thin for much of my adult life. I now have a 40% body fat last dexa scan and a lot of the problems people my age have who are overweight. Mild hypertension, borderline high cholesterol, pre diabetic A1c. I...
  13. S

    Yoga, Pilates for over 60 and recovering from cancer treatment

    I’m looking for an app or videos of a regular exercise program for myself. After treatment, I’ve lost a fair bit of weight and muscle mass, and feel weak. I’d like to find something that is good for stretching and slowly builds up to better fitness. I have stretching bands and a few weights at...
  14. S

    M/60/5'10" [292lb>151lb = 141 pounds] Two years can change your life!

    Facing my 60th birthday, I started on Aug. 20, 2020, on a path to better health: Food logging, 16/8 intermittent fasting, strict CICO, and more than a bit of mindfulness. I did not become a gym rat — I learned that constant exercise to lose weight has limits (you stop eventually due to accident...
  15. C

    Burnt out, new routine needed

    I’m 51M. The last 6 months I’ve been doing lifting Sunday,Tuesday, Thursday and interval training Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I also do 10K steps per day. Doing interval training as my VO2 Max is super low, and that’s my main goal right now is just to get my cardio level up to average. I get...
  16. R

    Getting back to the gym after 20 years..

    Hi all! I posted this over in the r/over60 sub & someone there suggested I try it here too: Seeking some advice from the fitness folks in the group. I've just turned 65 and am finally sick of my "granddad bod." I'm not seriously overweight; in fact I've recently lost 10 lbs. via a combo of...
  17. M

    Accessory Exercise Philosophy?

    78M. I'd like to get stronger in my accessory exercises and wondering how to best adjust reps and or sets. For example today's back/bicep workout deadlift 2x10/215 lbs. plus 3 warm-up sets. I've got a good handle on this and expect to get to 225 in 4-6 weeks. barbell row - 2x10/120 lbs...
  18. S

    Help selecting a weights program

    Hello! My dad (M71) has requested for Christmas a weights-based workout video program that is “like P90X but age appropriate”. He’s reasonably fit for his age but by no means a bodybuilder type and the few other Beachbody programs I’m aware of - Body Beast, Insanity, etc - are wildly out of...
  19. N

    Advice sought for beginning excercise at 57

    Hi. I've recently turned 57. I'm male, 6'0" 217 lbs I have always struggled to excercise consistently. I know that if I don't shake up in the next year or so, I'll find it very much harder to do so, and I hope to live a long active life. Things I do do. Walk c 4 miles 2-3 times a week and...
  20. J

    First day in 9 years

    54 YO, male. Current weight: 270. 5'11". Goal: 200 to 210. Today was my first day back in the gym after 9 years. After doing 5 minutes of cardio I laid down on the bench press and got a cramp in my hamstring! I could only survive 10 minutes of cardio after lifting and said to hell with it...