fitness after 50

  1. J

    Over 50 Trying for the perfect weekly schedule. All runners and lifters Give me your best

    Hello all. Trying to figure out a weekly schedule that's well rounded but I don't get hurt by and Yet see see overall improvement. The thing is I like running but been told only do cardio max 3 x a week. I like weights but been told don't do weights more than 4 x a week or take breaks between...
  2. E

    Tips for sustained energy/daily recovery?

    50M, 5’6” 165. Relatively new to fitness after a mostly sedentary younger life. (Quit smoking and started walking a few years ago, then added riding a mountain bike on local singletrack, then added gym workouts in the off-season last year.) Sometimes I have good energy for daily workouts, but at...
  3. T

    Do I need to switch my routine up?

    I’m a 54m need to drop drop 20 to 25 pounds. I used to run 15-30 miles a week depending on my work schedule. Have had knee issues so moved to a Peloton. I’m on the bike 3-5 days a week but can’t lose an ounce. I also use the strength workouts that are on Peloton but usually they lead to...
  4. F

    On the verge of 53 and working on building stamina & strength

    Hello! I’m looking to connect with folks who are fighting the good fight against the “suddenly everything hurts” after 50 phenomenon and the tenacious propensity to develop belly fat. I have chosen walking as my main fitness activity because, um, everything else hurts. For my 53rd birthday this...
  5. P

    I started walking again

    Today was the first day. I walked 2.81 miles in 51 mins. I am kind of proud of that since I haven’t done any walking since last October. I am going to try and increase that to 3 miles by the end of next week.
  6. T

    Out of town during deload week. Should I just rest or find a gym?

    I’m going to be out of town for 5 days that coincide with my scheduled deload week. Do you think it makes much of a difference if I don’t lift on 2 of those days that I would be normally going to the gym, and instead do some light active recovery? Or should I pay for day passes and lift...
  7. L

    Got A Dexa scan and was surprised by results

    49M 6’4” 316 lbs. starting weight 346 lowest weight 303 lbs So got a DEXA scan. Results surprised me. 22.8% BF with 241 lbs of lean muscle mass. BMR is 2740. Doc went over images with me and suggested I shoot for 275 lbs (I was originally thinking 250 lbs) as a goal and try to drop 30 lbs of...
  8. N

    Going to whine a little…

    I know I’ll get flack for this but…I’ve been on my fitness journey for almost a year. I lift weights and do alot of exercises using dumbbells. I am in pain every single evening and day after my workouts. I’m very happy with my results, but is it normal to be in pain after EVERY single...
  9. K

    My first pull up (M/65)

    I did my first pull up last week. I did my first ever chin ups 2 years ago but couldn't manage to do a plain old pull up. Last month I followed the Athlean X program to do your first pull up and it worked! I modified the program a little, spread it out over 5 weeks with a 2 day rest each...
  10. S

    Regain muscle

    58f workout daily with cardio and resistance training. Recently, I had a flu and then the next week a cold and not eating enough and not working out for two weeks, I had a sudden loss of muscle in my arms. At first, I thought it was my skin because now it’s floppy, but now I realize it is muscle...
  11. A

    What should I change now?

    Warn ya, this is a bit long. Last fall, I got serious about working out on the regular. Just slowly working my way back up to a mile swim 2x/week (T/Th) and a mostly fullbody, bodyweight workout with some DB arm work 3x/week (MWF). I saw some nice gains, and over the winter met a former female...
  12. B

    BMI, body fat %, etc

    Hey hey! I just got my first Dexa and RMR tests done and I was hoping some folks here could help me interpret the results. For starters, I'm a 51 yo male, 5'9", 170ish. Desk job but fairly active. Here's what came back: BMI = 25.1 Body fat: 27.3 Lean mass: 69.1 Resting energy expenditure...
  13. R

    Where I was at 58, where I am now at 62, it's been around 5 years (or close enough)

    462 lbs at 58 vs 280 lbs at 62, 100 lbs(ish) left to go. Keep it pushin! TDLR: a brief(ish) synopsis of my story in case it helps someone else get on the path. So, a little nervous to post pics in here because ngl, y'all are ripped and I'm not even close yet, someone in r/progresspics...
  14. C

    Where to start? Any advice please?

    Hi all - suggested in r/stopdrinkingfitness might be some people here could help??? Copy of original post below - also I’m 51f, 5’6” and currently around 210lbs Any women 50+ in here with advice to give? Was moderately active right up until end of last year, then sustained foot and shoulder...
  15. P

    Meal ideas

    I am going to be working in North Carolina for 7 days then back to Georgia for 7 days. I am trying to come up with some good food that can be cooked in a hotel room with only a microwave. My house is going to start being remodeled in March so I don’t want to have too much in the refrigerator...
  16. A

    20 Minute Bodyweight Circuit

    I try my best to stick to heavy kettlebells (44, 53, 55 and 70 pounders) for my strength & conditioning. But sometimes time is short. Also, I've read that body weight exercise can be easier on the nervous system and give your body a needed break, while still working out. I found this short but...
  17. C


    Well, I tried posting this in a menopause group and got horribly shamed, was accused of judging “fat people” and told I was eating disordered. Hoping to find a friendlier crowd here. Looks like a lot of men, so please pardon my “women only” topic. However, if you’re married to a woman in...
  18. G

    BMI thoughts

    Hey guys, 50M, new to the group. I’ve been seriously lifting/working out now for about 7 months. I say “seriously” as in moving away from body maintenance and more towards body transformation. I want to discuss BMI… because I think it’s total bullshit if you have any kind of muscle mass. I’m...
  19. E

    advice for a injured, smoker, depression and cancer surviver about fitness and weight lifting

    Hello. My situation is the following, I am 50 years old, I am 6.2F tall,,198.4 pounds. I am a smoker (a box of cigarettes lasts me more than a week approximately) I do know anyway what smoking means and for a year I have been significantly reducing the number of cigarettes I smoke. I haven't...
  20. N

    Body fat too high?

    Background: 57 y female, 5’4”current weight 131. Lost 25 pounds in the past year through diet and exercise. I do 30 min cardio and 30 minutes weightlifting 3-4 times a week. Generally I’m in maintenance mode with my diet. My Renpho scale, along with testing at the gym has my body fat at...