
  1. J

    Training for 10min Long Cycle

    Background: Training frequency: 3/4 days in the week Competition: May Current: Can go up to 6 mins at 6-7rpm with 16kg bells Past: DFW with 1x24kg, Long Cycle of Death with 1x24kg, SBD with some more exercises focused on hypertropy at gym(a year ago). Location: Garage Equipment: 2x Adjustable...
  2. A

    Minimalist program

    Hey guys! Pretty new to kettlebell exercising so i only own one kettlebell. I’m very much a minimalist when it comes to training so I want my workout to consist of two, max three, exercises. One of them is for sure the kettlebell swing (two handed atm due to me only owning one kettlebell) but...
  3. J

    New program, what do you think?

    Hi kettlebellers, I'm a 50y M who's been training consistently for a little over a year. I've generally been running a program for about 6-8 weeks before moving to a new program. I find that keeps things interesting and switching it up keeps any nagging injuries at bay. I'm not naturally very...
  4. N

    Pat Flynn’s Get Strong 10-5-3

    Has any one used Pat’s Get Strong routine? And what results did you get? Day 1 10 minute EMOM – double clean and press 5 minute EMOM – front squat 3 minute EMOM – bent over row Day 2 10 minute EMOM – front squat 5 minute EMOM – bent over row 3 minute EMOM – double clean and press Day 3 10...
  5. K

    10.000 Swings Experience/Review

    I did the 10.000 swings challenge. The key takeaways are in the TLDR, the longform review is below. (I’m not native English. But I tried) |TLDR| It’s hard. Especially on the grip. Depending on the strategy it’s mentally hard or boring. Choose one. You’ll improve your technique, grip and...
  6. B

    Two years of Mark Wildman's Nerd Math / Tetris of Training

    On October 23, 2021, I started structuring (and just as importantly, tracking) my KB workouts the way Mark Wildman suggested in his "Nerd Math" and "Tetris of Training" videos (all of which are conveniently compiled here by @fbgah). Here's how much I've progressed: October 2021 swings - 16kg...
  7. F

    My next program

    I just finished doing 5x(1,2,3,4,5) ladders with the 32kg. My pressing program came from the Rite of Passage from Enter the Kettlebell. I have to say that program delivers. I have run through it twice now: once with the 28kg and once with the 32kg. Both times have helped me to find leakages in...
  8. J

    Advice - am I unprogrammable for?

    I'm a 36M who is currently simultaneously doing medical residency/research. I'm also a brown belt in judo and am also training for my black belt and need to compete next year at a club level. I train judo 1-3x week. I fit in KB/mace/club workouts 2-3x per week in-between depending on call...
  9. G

    What’s next?

    Working on week nine of Nupert’s beta program and it’s a real butt kicker but I’m missing the extra movements like pull ups and lunges. Been through DFW Remix and 10m swing workout. My old stand by is the old BFW Recommended Routine…. Any suggestions for next or is it time to go back to mix...
  10. S

    needing some help y’all, i’m at my wits end!!

    ok, so I have always had an issue with my weight, and have attempted to go to the gym before. I once lost 45 pounds, but have since gained 30-ish back. i’m a therapist, so I sit all day. I also live an hour away from work. so i’m gone about 50 hours a week. my wife and I also have 2 kids (a 3...
  11. P

    Kettlebell weight at my (f) fitness level?

    Hi there,I'm curious what people advise for a kettlebell weight to start with at my specific activity level and interest. I'm a 5'5 woman, 121 lbs, and a runner who is just starting to get into more regular weight lifting (mostly to build up strength so I can better protect my knees and overall...
  12. N

    Your Foolproof Guide to Training (Issue 1.2)

    Cheers, r/kettlebell! Welcome to the second issue of Your Foolproof Guide to Training! This post series is meant to help subreddit members establish basic strength and conditioning abilities with their kettlebells by laying out organized training sessions every week and providing a place to...
  13. J

    10365 of 10000 swings DONE in 10 days! 140,752 kg moved; Program report

    So the 10000 swings in 10 day challenge is done! 10365 swings completed; 140,752 kg moved in 10 days! Thanks to @iamasinkingship, @kris8585, @hunter101, and many others from here and r/kettleballs for encouraging me.. 12kg PR - unbroken 30 mins 1155 swings (6 days) 16kg PR - 1000 swings in...
  14. E

    Someone explain dfw to me like I’m 5

    Man I’ve tried researching it an I get confused like fuck can I just get the numbers already? I may come off as slow for this but the whole “ladders 1,2,3,4(5)” does not help me understand how many C&P and front squats im supposed to do
  15. S

    48kg get-up fail, 59kg BW, maybe next time

  16. D

    Dry Fighting Weight (Single Bell) Questions

    Hi all, giving DFW a shot. I don't have two bells of the same size so I'm using a single: 16kg, which is a little light, but I can't even press the 24kg once with my non-dominant hand. Plan is to finish the program with a single as I save for one of those fancy adjustable bells, then try it with...
  17. F

    The Wolf

    Since this didn't seem to be spelled out anywhere on Reddit: Day 1: Day 2: Day 3: Clean F Squat Snatch F Squat Press F Squat Press Clean Press Clean F Squat F Squat F Squat _ Clean _ _ F Squat All complexes of sets of 5, double kbs, F Squat = Front Squat. Weeks 1/2/3: 3/4/5...
  18. K

    Would you give me your thoughts on my (probably overly complicated) KB program?

    Who I am I'm 175 lbs. and in my thirties, no known health issues, used to training. My experience with kettlebells I've successfully completed Geoff's 12 week program a while ago with two 18 kg kettlebells. I wanted to do the same with 28 kgs, but it was too much, and couldn't return them, so...
  19. S

    Is my ROP program enough?

    I’m running ROP but I superset the C&P with a variety of functional mobility and mindfulness exercises. My current program: c&p 5-step ladder set 1 Change a diaper; fix an Xbox C&P 5-step ladder set 2 Clean up cat puke; break up a fight over Minecraft C&P 5-step ladder set 3 Get yelled...
  20. Y

    Step up snatch for forefoot training?

    I train with kettlebells so I can hike better. I have learned over the years that more muscles means more enjoyment when hiking. But I have noticed that kettlebells and barbells don't really train the forefoot very well. I really need to get a box and do step ups. They just seem so boring and I...