
  1. Y

    1 x or 2 x adjustable kettlebells?

    For those of you that have adjustable kettlebells, do you find that 1 is sufficient? Looks like one single 12-20.5 kg from bells of steel is $200. 12-32 kg $300. Getting a pair of adjustable kettlebells is getting really pricey. What are your thoughts? Thanks in advance
  2. R

    Damaged shoulder from push press

    After a long time without kB training (I was doing more running, and weights at the local gym) We had a small group session which had these exercises: Swings w both hands 2mins non stop Swings with one hand then the other 1 min each Push press 1 min each hand I did ask those with a 12kg kB...
  3. M

    Giant 1.0 -> 1.2

    I recently finished a run of Geoff Neupert's "The Giant". I ran through the program with 2x32kg bells and completed 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2. Just wanted to share my experience! Background: I ran DFW 3 times in 2022, once with 2x24kg and twice with 2x32kg. My PR for press with 2x32 was 14 reps, but my...
  4. P

    Snatch progression...rep n rest queery

    I want to understand the kettlebell progression program. Usually weights work with sets and reps with rest times for strength, hypertrophy or stamina; but the kettlebell programs recomend 10 minute EMOM cycles...Why? What is the benefit of such programing? What would be a good snatch progression...
  5. P

    Q about using rep x weight to track progress- how to apply this math to complex movements

    As a rough way to measure my progress and grade workouts, I’ve been taking my workout log and adding up the number of movements I do and times it by the amount weight used. The math is simple with single movements, eg if I do 10 swings with 16kg = 160 kg of work per set. Most of my workouts...
  6. K

    330lb newbie form check please

    Hey gang. I’ve been on a weight loss and strength journey. This year I’ve lost around 60lb through diet and walking alone. Recently adding weight training and I’ve recently discovered this amazing sub. I’m using what I could borrow right now, a 10kg kettlebell. It’s not the same shape as the...
  7. A

    Challenge for time

    Hello kettlebell friends! Completed great little challenge, had fun going through this one. 10 Rounds for TIME: 10x Burpee 10x Snatch (5+5 r/L) 10x Push Up 10x Jerk (5+5 r/L) 10x Swing Using 24kg KB (my time 30:54) H Enjoy!
  8. J

    Only S&S?

    I've been doing pure bodyweight exercises, calimove, for the last 2 years now but need a break and thought I'd give kettlebells a shot. Partially because I've platued and partially because boredom. I like not thinking when it comes to workouts, thinking is a chance to choose "no workout", which...
  9. S

    Saturday’s workout opinions wanted

    16kg4x5 2A c&p, bent rows, double rack squat, 50# 1A swing, ab wheel followed by S&S then 30 minutes on elliptical. Was a great workout but I feel I could do more. Total time 1:01:17.16. Have a swinging Sunday y’all!
  10. J

    Simple DFW program questions

    I read through the DFW program, but I would like clarification on a few things. Day 1 is ladder 1, 2, 3. Does that mean I do one clean, press, squat, and then take a break? Then, I do another CPS backed by another CPS from a long cycle clean. Or are they dead cleans? Also, is it C,C P,P S,S...
  11. P

    Looking for long-term kettlebell workout plan [M/F]

    Hey guys! So my girlfriend and I just got our kettlebells (8kg and 16kg) an we are looking for a long-term workout plan. I found the "" things but it's almost US$50. It does however include 12 weeks beginner, 12 weeks intermediate and 12 weeks advanced training plan which...
  12. H

    Day 1/322 - thanks u/bigtim27

    I bought 2 kettlebells about a year ago, and since then they have proven to be just expensive doorstops, and things to stub my toe on. Occasionally motivated to swing them around a bit. 2020 was a shower of shit for most people, myself included, nearly lost my job, twice, had to cancel my...
  13. L

    Press progress help

    Any ideas/program to progress from 24kg to 28kg? Single 24kg RM L 10, R 12, single 28kg RM L 2, R 4/5 reps, single 32kg RM L 0,5, R 3/4 reps. Double 24 RM 9 reps, double 28 RM 2 reps. How to progress to 2x28 or more single reps with 28? Gorilla press maybe?
  14. N

    Kettlebell College Class Feedback

    I am a master's student in kinesiology. As part of my culminating project, I am creating a few activity classes the university could adopt and offer as part of its curriculum. The following is a bit lengthy but for those who get to the end and offer feedback, I truly thank you. This sub is...
  15. S

    Dan John Fundamentals Program

    Hi there, sorry if this has been covered off already. I was watching this Dan John video - He mentions the 6 fundamental exercises, being:- 1. Ground work - ie TGUs 2. Loaded carries 3. Squat 4. Hinge 5. Pull 6. Push I was wondering if anyone has seen a program from him that these all off...
  16. D

    Strength day Saturday - 2x32kg 1 minute 9 reps

    Did sets of 1 minute with 2x32kg only did 5 sets. This was the 4th and looked best. I'll post the others but the reps were. 7 reps 7 reps 8 reps 9 reps 8 reps
  17. K

    Opinion about heart rate monitor

    Today I felt weak due to an infection and I did a light workout. The workout consisted of doing high pulls with a 32 kg kettlebell, about 5 repetitions per minute. I also wore a heart rate monitor. The session was easy...but my question is, what do you think I would achieve with this? Is this...
  18. H

    S&S daily, best for progression w/o more kb?

    Heya :) after enjoying casually stark then girvan's kb workout for a while i started the infamous S and S a couple of weeks ago. My goal beeing overall fitness (expecially while its pretty cold outside and i m jobless atm..) and eventually strenght and muscle gain on the side (especially for...
  19. N

    A Complete Weekly Kettlebell Program (Month 3, Week 4)

    Cheers, r/kettlebell! Welcome to the 12th issue of our weekly "done for you" training program! This week will end the current block of Strength Work and Power Repeats. The next block will be geared toward Hypertrophy, where we will introduce Ladders, and Power Intervals. Wahoo! We made these...
  20. P

    Geoff Neupert Kettlebell Burn

    Anybody having experience with GF‘s Kettlebell Burn and Burn 2.0 yet ? I saw it’s on „sale“ combined Either 3 days a week about 45 minutes a session or 6 days a week 15-30 minutes a session Currently I enjoy doing 2 full body strength sessions and 2 kettlebell conditioning sessions per week...