review my program

  1. G

    Would this be a good workout routine for building muscle, strength and overall athleticism?

    Day 1: Full Body Strength and Conditioning Warm-up: 5-10 minutes of dynamic stretching and mobility exercises Deadlifts: 3 sets x 5 reps Overhead Press: 3 sets x 5 reps Pull-ups or Bent-Over Rows: 3 sets x 6-8 reps Bulgarian Split Squats: 3 sets x 8 reps per leg Push-ups: 3 sets x 10-12 reps...
  2. J

    Looking for suggestions on my weird workout routine

    I have access to basic hotel gyms 4 days a week in a row, and then dumbbells/pull-up bars the rest. I've been doing PPL to make the most of it with pull day first, push, legs, then pull again. I do the second set of push and legs using only dumbbells with rest day on Friday. Can I get some...
  3. R

    Weekly Split Assumptions + Questions

    Hello, Im relatively new to weight lifting. 4 months in, and have been using a lazy variation of PPL: P,P,L,P,P,R,R where (R=Rest). The results have been great but the more i look into optimizing the time I spend, I find myself questioning what I know and what is best. My hope for this post is...
  4. A

    3-4 week cycle to improve S/B/D numbers?

    So I haven't been able to linear progress for the past 1-2 months. As the title suggests, I am trying to add some more methodical programming to my lifting and gain some strength, preferably a 3-4 week cycle (not a full routine, just a progressive overload method for my SBD). As it is now, im...
  5. F

    After 2 Years of Extremely Serious Training. Reached Serious Plateaus as a Natty. Help?

    Long story short, I am 29 years old. I have been involved in sports all my life, from a young age until I was 21-22, when I dropped out after five years of American football and became a couch potato. Seriously, I didn’t even walk until I turned 27. At that point, I had a serious talk with...
  6. W

    Is this a good split

    Im 13y 57kg 170cm and i have access to a bench barbell and dumbbell Is this a good split for ppl? M - push T - pull W - legs T - push F - pull S - legs S - rest/cardio These are my workouts: Push: bench press 12x5. Incline dB press 3x15. Lat raises to failure x 3. Arnold press 12x3. OH tricep...
  7. L

    Is This A Good Workout For My Goals?

    I have made a new workout plan for my lower body goals : Thicker Thighs 27-36 inches, Bigger Butt, Fuller, Rounder Hips, and Toned Calves) I would like to know if this workout is good or if I need to modify anything (exercises, reps, sets). I will be planning to do this workout 3x a week (M...
  8. A

    Didn't get results even after 1 year of working out, what am I doing wrong?

    Hey folks, I really need some help from y'all. I'm 18M and used to go to the gym until 2 months ago when my membership ended and I couldnt renew it due to reasons. I went to the gym for about an year. Now, I did have some slight progress but I am still a similar looking skinny fat guy. There's...
  9. S

    Body Recomp, Mini cut or Dedicated cut

    Hey there I’m kind of in a weird situation at the moment. I’ve been lifting for about a year now and I’m currently sitting at about 20-22% bf and weigh 65kg (143 lbs). I’ve been in a little bulk for about 2 months I’d say now and I started at around 17-19% body fat. What I’ve noticed is that...
  10. F

    Advice for my workout schedule

    Hello all I’m back in the gym after tending to an elbow injury. I have unmedicated ADHD and it is really easy for me to get out of my routine, so I prefer to workout everyday, 7 days a week. I ended up hurting my elbow doing this tho and had to take a few months off. So now I am back trying out...
  11. A

    Is this the absolute bro split workout?

    As the title suggests, I have created a workout which fits in the bro split (kinda) and I think it's really good for strength training and hypertrophy (muscle growth) so if any of you guys have any input on it I'd greatly appreciate it as I'm thinking of switching over to this workout program so...
  12. T

    This a good workout for an 18y/o beginner

    Hello I started working out at a gym a week ago and I got these exercises from a friend. Am I missing any key exercises or this a good workout? Thank you! Leg extentions Hamstring curls Leg press Hip abduction Hip adduction Calf raises 7. Standing obliques crunches / abdominal machine Cable...
  13. T

    Gym for 1.5 years, no results. What am I doing wrong?

    I've been going 5x a week for a year and a half lifting weights and jogging, no results - trying to gain muscular mass. My routine : -Run 2,5 km to the gym, then also jog same distance back home -5x/week, very, very few exceptions of 3-4x times/week -Sometimes after waking up, not eating...
  14. A

    Carb Cycling + HIIT advice?

    I'm going to try carb cycling along with a few HIIT workouts throughout the week. But I'm struggling to figure out where to place them. Keep in mind, with my schedule, I go to the gym after 4 p.m. and afterward is when I can eat most of my food. This is what I've come up with so far. Or should I...
  15. T

    Found this program on Youtube (credit: trainer winny)

    Workout A: Bench Press: 3 sets, 10 reps Incline Bench Press: 3 sets, 10 reps Overhead press: 4 sets, 8 reps Weighted squats: 4 sets, 8 reps Tricep Pushdowns: 3 sets, 12 reps Workout B: Lat Pulldown: 3 sets, 10 reps Barbell Row: 3 sets, 10 reps Deadlift: 4 sets, 8 reps Bicep Curl: 3...
  16. C

    Can anyone please review my program??

    So it's been almost a month since I've been following this program. I used to do PPL but it was definitely not for me. I got tired of 2 leg days in a week and it was kind of getting me demotivated. So I started following this one which I made. But I really want someone to review if I'm missing...
  17. A

    Rate my next bulking program

    Hi everyone, Wanted a program critique if anyone is kind enough to weigh in. Little background around me is that I’m 34 and I’ve been working out consistently for around 1.5 years now. Started with about a 8 month of cutting / recomp then did my first bulk for 12 weeks (which worked really...
  18. S

    Rate my full-body routine

    Hey, so I've been working out in some ways for the last 2 years or so, and after changing my routine a few times, I've wound up doing this. I'm M 24 169cm (5ft54in) 66kg (145lbs). I do it 3 times per week (that's the most I can do with my schedule, hence the full-body thing) and it takes me...
  19. M

    Critique my workout plan focused on weight gain and muscle building

    Day 1: Push Push-ups Barbell/Dumbbell Bench Press Incline Bench Press (B/D) Dumbbell Fly Seated overhead Press (Barbell/Dumbbell/Machine) Cable Lateral Raise Skull crusher (Barbell/Dumbbell) Tricep Pushdowns Cable Bench Dips Day 2: Pull Pull-ups Lat Pulldown T Bar Row Seated Cable...
  20. K

    Help with home workout progression (6+ months in)

    Hi all. I have been somewhat recently working out at home for 6+ months now, with a set of adjustable dumbells and a mat. I have been doing back+biceps on Monday and Thursday, and chest +triceps on Tuesday and Friday. (I am more recently adding legs and some shoulders on Wednesday). I have...