review my program

  1. K

    Help with home workout progression (6+ months in)

    Hi all. I have been somewhat recently working out at home for 6+ months now, with a set of adjustable dumbells and a mat. I have been doing back+biceps on Monday and Thursday, and chest +triceps on Tuesday and Friday. (I am more recently adding legs and some shoulders on Wednesday). I have...
  2. B

    6 day hypertrophy plan

    Intermediate 6-day program. One mesocycle is approximately 4-6 weeks (depending on systemic fatigue) then I'll perform a deload week then repeat until I decide to change my program up again. For each exercise the first number is the number of sets for the first week and the second number is the...
  3. S

    junk volume?

    I'm a 16-year-old dude who works out 4-5 times a week. I started lifting around 4 months ago, although I did do some bodyweight exercises for a year before I started lifting. Below are some of my workouts. I'm not too sure whether I'm training optimally or not. I train to failure and have decent...
  4. Z

    Thoughts on this workout plan? Will it build muscle or simply strength?
  5. M

    3-day split full body program

    Found a good 3 day per week full body (it was suggested to be the best for me) program, and tweaked it a bit. Would love to hear your opinion on this! Anything i should change? (e.g. sets, reps, certain exercises...) Tuesday: Thursday...
  6. C

    How is my workout routine?

    Hey guys I was recently given this workout routine by a friend and have been on it pls lmk if it has right amount of volume and if it’s targeting al the needed muscles for hypertrophy. Thanks in advance! Upper Day 1 A.) INCLINE BENCH PRESS 2-3 Top sets of 6-8 reps B.) TBAR ROW 2-3 Top sets...
  7. J

    I am 6 months newbie and im doin a E.O.Y.P.R week for the last week of December

    I joined the gym after my life started turning around , got an Apprenticeship, medication and getting a gym membership to all help with my mental health, i decided that the last week of December i want to do a whole week of achieving and breaking PRs all so i can record and to compare it to the...
  8. A

    Routine advice for a noobie

    Hi, would like some advice or just a thumbs up on my current routine, please. M/33 - I've been going to the gym constantly 3 days a week for the last two months. Never been particularly active before, but since turning 30 have started getting podgy (always been v slim). I've been sticking to...
  9. L

    How to achieve my fitness goals

    Hi everyone, For years I have been in and out of the gym, but never went consistently due to exams, work etc. For the past 6 weeks, I have signed up and gone every other day except 3 days for holiday - my most consistent streak ever. My main goal was to increase strength - every time I went to...
  10. Z

    Can y’all rate my workout and diet I’m trying to lose fat and get some muscle. I’m just starting out by the way

    30-45 minutes on the elliptical at jogging pace 5/3/1 strength building program , 45 reps in total for each workout 3 workout sets. I eat about 1900 calories as calculated by macros and get anywhere between 80-100 grams of protein a day. I weigh 172 lbs now I’m 6’3 and 16. I used to be pretty...
  11. T

    3-4 day workout split

    So recent college grad here. While at school, I had no issues hitting the gym 4 days a week and typically did an upper lower split. First job I had out of college completely wrecked my gym schedule because I never knew when I would be off work. I quit that job for other reasons and have been...
  12. G

    Rate my 4 days 2 times a week split! (Thanks :) )

    Good Evening Gym boyz, Currently, I go to the gym twice a week, focusing on multiarticular exercises split over two days: Day A: Chest, Legs, Triceps (Including Bench press, Squats, French press, and complementary exercises) Day B: Back, Biceps, Shoulders (Including Deadlifts, Curls, Military...
  13. G

    My Routine Any Good?

    Above screenshot of my routine at the moment. It is work in progress and still amending parts to suit me best. I aim for 1 on, 1 off full body workout as I am short on time to do splits.. Usually aim for 45-60 mins per workout with 3 sets per workout and 45 seconds break between. I have...
  14. H

    Is this workout OK? Any advice?

    Hi guys, Could you please check this and let me know if it is OK? I already do most of these exercises, but I am trying to compiled them in 2 superset sets in order to decrease the time. Monday+Wednesday+ Friday I do: Warmup>Workout A or B> Stretch Tuesday+Thursday low intensive walking...
  15. N

    Stuck! Please rip apart my workout routine

    Hi, I’m trying to optimise my workout routine to better meet my goals, as I find that I’m not really seeing a significant progress after 3 months. I appreciate your honest feedback. Profile: 30M, 5’9”, dry BW 165lb, BMI 24.4, former marathoner but now skinny fat, ~100g daily protein consumption...
  16. A

    Curious what people think about my training

    After writing this, I figure it's probably too long for anyone to read. But I'll see what happens. I have kind of a powerbuilder approach to training -- but I'm mostly hypertrophy oriented. I like benching and deadlifting heavy once a week though. Squatting, I could give two shits about heavy...
  17. M

    I try to do calistenics and try not to hurt myselft dooing them

    I plan to train a) Till failure. b) Trying to keep the number of reps between 1 and 5 (usually 3), but not sacrificing the first principle for it. c) I use dropsets of 3: the first set with extra weight (85% of my one-rep max), the second set with nothing, and the third set with resistance...
  18. D

    Judge my split

    Hey guys, little background about me, m28 171lbs. I use to be 145 about a year ago before I started working out. I started off doing PPL then switched to Arnold then a PPLxArnold variation I reached 170 and took a break but now I’m pretty active with it and I’m starting to create my own plan...
  19. A

    How should I split my leg day into 2 days? Plus any other input :)

    I’m a 21 y/o woman (and college student which is why my schedule is a bit weird). I currently do a one hour Zumba class 3 days a week (Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday) for cardio and as a warm up, power yoga on Mondays, upper body and core on Tuesdays (I do very little weighted upper body on...