seeking advice

  1. A

    25F / 110lbs / 5'4 hungry and in need of advice!

    Hey ladies, so long story short i'm recovered from anorexia (i was 81lbs), joined the gym (i've been lifting for about 3 months now) and my goal is to have more definition on my abs and gain more muscle. The thing is, calculators say my TDEE is around 1660, but i've been eating this much and...
  2. A

    Beginner Home Workout Help

    So I’ve decide to start working out while I’m taking a four week leave from work to catch up on university courses. I work in a warehouse so I considered that my workout, I don’t really do anything other than that. I’m trying to lose weight again, so while I’m going to do CICO I also wanted to...
  3. R

    Seeking Advice

    I know that to lose weight you need to count calories. I’ve never been too great at that. My stats are I’m 49, in full-on peri menopause with all the trimmings, 5’0” and (as of this am) 122.5 lbs. When I turned 40 I weighed 109. I had two kids in my 30s and my body never was quite the same (of...
  4. T

    How Much To Cut

    5’2” ~140 (up from ~120) 20 Hi! I’ve been lifting for around 7 months and I’ve put on a decent amount of muscle. But I wasn’t consistent with my diet or cardio so I’ve also put on some fat. Well bikini season is coming up and I want to lose around 10-20 pounds of fat (or more if possible, just...
  5. U

    Low calorie count + workouts = tired

    Hi folks, I have recently started to ramp up my workouts and am working with a nutritionist on reducing my calorie count to 1,250 a day. For context: - I am 5' 10", F, 46 YO - I lift with a trainer 2x a week for an hour and am trying to run 12+ miles a week (which has to ramp for the half...