vegan fitness

  1. M

    Need tips for healthy weight gain

    Turned vegan roughly 8 months ago and it’s been a 95% good experience. I feel better. Digestive problems I’ve had for years are much better. Only downside is I’ve lost 12 lbs, which is a lot considering I started at 145 (5’9 male). Friends and family are concerned about my health now more than...
  2. F

    80g/day of protein on average?

    I'm losing weight and find a good diet for me has me coming in at 75g of protein (mostly tofu) on Day A and 88g of protein on Day B, and these just alternate. Day B is the harder exercise day, so I eat a little more protein. This averages to 81g, so let's call it 80g a day. I'm M49, 163 lbs...
  3. S

    Tonight I’m starting a new full body routine in addition to running and I can’t wait!

    Right now I’m not going to my gym due to COVID but luckily I have some adjustable dumbbells which work great! My plan is to do two chest exercises followed by two back exercises and two leg exercises. I’ll finish with two shoulder exercises and two body weight exercises. Then tomorrow morning...
  4. A

    Animal-free whey protein is on the market now!

    You might think "But we can already get protein from plants" But a lot of people really dislike the taste of vegan protein powder and a lot of people still believe that plant protein isn't good enough to optimally build muscle which obviously isn't true, but it eventually will reduce dairy...
  5. B

    Protein Powder Testing, Sprout Living/Ora/Vega

    Are there any recommendations for an at-home test that would approximate the percentage of protein in a pea protein powder or a lab that I can send the powder in to? I purchased a small amount from Sprout Living, who I chose for exclusively selling vegan-only products, having a claimed 80%...
  6. M

    mixing l carnitine with pre workout?

    as of now i use a fat burner as my pre workout but i want to start taking a pre workout that contains creatine. im thinking im going to try gorilla mode. is it beneficial to mix l carnitine with a preworkout?
  7. A

    Are my macros correct?

    I’m F21 5’5 and 143 lbs I got a workout plan and my macros from a vegan trainer My calorie intake goal is 1700 calories per day and my macros are: Protein: 30% - 128g Carbs: 40% - 170g Fat: 30% - 57g At first I thought the protein was a bit on the higher side (0.9 x my weight lbs) but a...
  8. D

    Meat-eater shifting from 3 meat meals/day to 1 meat meal/day and regular fitness training would like some advice!

    I finished watching Gamechangers on Netflix and did some research afterwards which has inspired me to be more cautious about how much meat (both white and red) I eat due to its health impacts. To put a bit of context, I generally eat four meals a day, supplemented with protein and Multis. For...
  9. D

    Veganism, weight loss, and starvation mode

    Background: IAMA 23 y/o Height: 6’ 6’’ Weight: 145 Profession: Software development I guess to give full context, I need to start from the beginning. In high school/college, I had always been a high achiever (4.00 GPA, involved in clubs, etc.). After college I took a well paying job in...
  10. T

    Looking for a gym buddy in Montreal :D!

    Anyone here from Montreal ? I live in the East right next to Metro Papineau and I was wondering if I there any vegan friendly social circle to workout with?
  11. N

    Coffee drinkers/weight loss

    I’ve been vegan since January ‘24. I have cut out sugar, salty snacks and fried foods and potatoes. Before that, I used to load up on a caramel macchiato or lots of sugar and half n half when I made coffee at home. My dunk’n order was an extra large coffee with ‘extra extra’ ( like 5 sugars...
  12. T

    Protein help!!

    Hey all! I'm currently eating on a deficit trying to cut my BF %. Those familiar with basic weightlifting/fitness knowledge know that protein nutrient requirements are ~.77-1g of protein per pound of body weight to maximize muscle growth. I weigh ~200 lbs, so I need to eat anywhere from...
  13. N

    4:1:1 or 2:1:1

    I'm very new to both fitness and vegan nutrition. I am at a point where I feel like thinking about supplementing makes sense. All I do right now is having a scoop of hemp protein powder after every other workout or so. So as I have learned what BCAAs are recently I was wondering if there is...
  14. F

    Three years vegan. I feel about the same as I did when I wasn't a vegan

    Just because I like the full range of responses to be represented online, here's a somewhat different n=1 datapoint. Prior to Dec 2016, I ate any type of food other than mammal meat. Since then, I have been a vegan. As far as I can recall, I feel roughly the same as I did back then. The two...
  15. F

    Creatine timing?

    I started creatine about a month ago and I'm wondering if there's any concrete proof to the timing of taking it? I've been having it in the morning because that's the most convenient for me (post breakfast) and I don't wanna bring the tub with me in my car (I work outside and bring all my food...
  16. K

    question about protein!

    So confused, am I getting too much? Height: 5 ft 5 inches Weight: 185 lbs Gender: Female Kcal: 1900 Avg. Burn: 2,340 P: 120-130g C: 165-205g F: 65-75g My goal is body recompisition and so many vegans have told me I need to decrease my protein intake even though I wanna increase my...
  17. A

    What is your least nasty way to cut?

    So after a year of properly lifting (after years of dicking around), I’ve managed to work my way up to a 1RM of 120kg in deadlifts, 80kg in squats and 65kg in DB press. (Just switched to barbell press.) It’s absolutely nothing to write home about (I’m 30M, 180cm and 78kg), but I had a few...
  18. X

    Cheap vegan protein powder

    What's a cheap vegan protein powder. I'm struggling 😅. (In u.s.a)
  19. V

    Has anyone tried Pegan protein bars?

    Has anyone tried these?The macros seem wonky (6f 26c 20 p, 150 cal) even considering that the carbs are mostly prebiotic fiber. I was wondering if they were any good.
  20. I

    not gaining weight....eating 4k+ a day...very sad, please help!!!

    (dont know why it did the capitalization thing in title) Hey guys! I'll summarize this. I'm 28, 6'3", 175, slender build. I've been vegan for 15 years. For years I've desired a huge build and this year have finally begun working on it. I'm a pro vegan (ha) so I know how to make meals. For a...