vegan fitness

  1. P

    PSA: Silken tofu is under rated

    Y’all, I just wanted to share some insight from a vegan of 10 years. Silken tofu is seriously under used and under rated. It’s low fat and high protein compared to vegan Mayo or other oil based products! I have posted here before about the silken tofu “yogurt” for higher protein option, but...
  2. N

    What one thing would help me improve?

    I (40m) started resistance training about 12 months ago for the first time (the first three months with a PT), with the aim of improving my health and mobility as I entered mid-life, but also to put a little more muscle onto my naturally skinny frame. A recent health check went very positively...
  3. J

    Sickness keeps hampering progress

    Hi team! Looking for sympathy/advice/encouragement/anything… It seems that every time I’m getting into a good rhythm with my training, I come down with a cold. I’m not overtraining - I aim for two runs and two weight sessions a week and I throw in a yoga, Pilates, spin bike session or a swim...
  4. 4

    Has anyone gotten really nerdy about their protein powder blends?

    I was going to make a protein powder blend on true nutrition, and curious if anyone has ever read up on ideal amino acid balances and found the best ratio of pea/rice/soy/hemp/etc protein powders. The closest I've come was looking at the AA's in whey protein, since whey's protein...
  5. H

    150 g protein??

    hey everyone! i have only been 100% vegan for about 2 weeks now. i recently signed up with a personal trainer who focuses on macros & she gave me my goals today which are Calories 1590 / 150g- protein / 135g- carbs / 50g- fat. i’m 5’ 7’’ and weigh 200 pounds. this is a 30 day shred/cutting...
  6. M

    Rate My Progress — 29/M/5’7” (170.18 cm) Weightlifting Newbie

    [ progress pic with data ] For 9 months now, after having done zero weight lifting my entire life (was a runner/cyclist), I’ve started going to the gym 4–6 days a week. As a complete n00b, who has also been taking consistent measurements using bioelectrical impedance analysis, I’m curious to...
  7. T

    Amino acid deficiencies are actually a huge concern as a vegan weightlifter, aren't they?

    I'm fully aware that protein/AA concerns are dumb if you aren't a bodybuilder like me. But if you are, they are a *huge* concern. I keep seeing people say that by combining different proteins, you hit essential AA distributions similar to whey, but this is bullshit. Remember, I am talking only...
  8. N

    I fing hate protein shakes. How do I eat enough gains?

    It doesn't matter what brand or flavour it is, I just hate sweet thick drinks, I've never liked normal milkshakes either. I've tried to force myself to drink protein shakes over the years but they make me feel so nauseous, usually for several hours. Is it remotely possible to me to eat enough...
  9. T

    What are your go to exercises for core work?

    I’m getting short on time to workout, I normally get to the gym during my lunch break. I’ve decided to change my routine and I want to add core/ab workouts 15 min at the end of my general workout M/W/F, so I need suggestions for good core/ab exercises that I can utilize to hit that muscle group...
  10. T

    Meeting the leucine threshold

    Does anyone have recipes that hit the 2.4-3 g leucine threshold for stimulating muscle protein synthesis (MPS)? I've been breaking down my recipes and, though most have 20-30 g of protein for ~500 kcal, leucine content tends to hover in the 1.2-1.8 g range. - Porridge (with soy milk, nuts &...
  11. I

    Can’t lose weight

    Hey, I’m 25F and half a year ago moved for studies to a new city, and around that time I gained ca 10kg (22lb), I assume due to stress, which I just can’t get rid of right now. I work out every day, plus I bike every day ca 40min, so according so my smart watch I use ca 2400kcal a day I’m trying...
  12. G

    Where can I get a men's racerback tank with a vegan message?

    (See the above)
  13. B

    Two vegans cycling 800km through Spain - Camino de Santiago - Camino Del Norte 3 minute video: 30 minute video: edit: links My wife and I just returned from a cycling trip through Spain on the Camino Del Norte, the northern route of the Camino de...
  14. G

    Do I need to bulk to gain muscle mass? 130 pounds, 5’11. Swear I’m like 0% body fat

    Hey everyone so I’m tired of being skinny and want some mass! It’s going to be real hard because my shoulders are bony as hell. I’ve always read about bulking/cutting but it sounds a bit complicated and I want to do minimal macro nutrient counting. I’d like to just generally eat the same thing...
  15. G

    1150 cal oatmeal, 55+ g protein, nutrient packed!

    Hey y'all, just wanted to share my go to breakfast. I'm currently trying to bulk so I'm eating 3000+ cal a day with a minimum goal of 155g protein. I have a hard time getting enough food in at the beginning of the day so this is my solution to that lol 1 c Bob's red mill quick cooking steel cut...
  16. S

    Am I doing this backwards?

    Hello friends. I’ve been in this community for a while as a lurker. I’m posting because I’m having trouble losing weight around my core from too much vegan junk food, eating at odd hours, or not getting enough consistent sleep and would like some help getting rid of the excess weight around my...
  17. S

    F16 y/o bmxer, looking for protien recommendations

    Exactly what the title says. Been vegan since 14, recently started taking my bmxing more seriously (just started kick boxing too) and am going to gym. I want to build up more muscle too. Really need some good/relatively cheap protien options!
  18. Z

    Daily Protein Powder (g)

    Building on a post earlier today, thought it would serve the community better as a poll. How much protein powder do you consume per day :) View Poll
  19. J

    Beginner questions

    Heyo everyone,I've been lurking for too long now. I am vegan for about 1,5 years and want to begin to become fitter now. I'm male, 1,83m, and 80kg.I started doing workouts at home because I'm on a budget and don't have money to go to the gym. So the first question: Do you have any advice for...
  20. M

    Anybody getting 3,300+ calories a day?

    3,000 calories is around my maintenance (and I’m only around 140 lbs at 5’ 11”), but I’m struggling to figure out where to get the extra calories to bulk. YouTube seems mostly aimed at weight loss or guys are making gains with like 2,500 calories a day. I struggle to keep fiber/volume down so...