“Mom’s food.” x 5 times a day


New member
Is it possible to just eat “Mom’s food.” Along with working out 5 times a day (Weight and cardio) and still expect results? How effective is this? Draw backs? Let me know your take.

PS my mom doesn’t like it when I eat other food cause it makes her a lil sad when I don’t eat her food. (I love my mom)
@keepy You have to count how much protein in grams is there after all of them good mama meals. But 5 times a day seems bit too much. You should talk to an educated professional if you're planning that type of training
@freemike If it’s not enough protein. Is there still any ways to make gains with my 5 times a week training? Also with the 5 times a day, I’ve done it back then when I used to train as well, I have consulted that number of training with many regarding it and have constantly moved that number between 4-5 times a week instead whenever my schedule gets bombarded with life’s duties. May I know how many times a week you would recommend though?
@keepy You wrote 5 times a day so I was going of that.
Regarding protein, you can add protein shake or two a day, or maybe protein bars. And then ask your mom to research some protein rich meals if she enjoys cooking for you.
There will always be progress regardless of your protein intake, but you will not see proper muscle growth if your protein needs are not meet.

I personally train 3-4 times a week, 1h - 1.5h sessions.
@keepy Whatever a basic novice program tells you, which is likely 3-4x week. If you aren't super overweight and in need of losing weight you can probably just eat whatever looks healthy and like it has a dece amount of protein in it and you'll be just fine. Will more than likely average out, if you are very light and need to gain weight to gain muscle then you're on easy mode, and if you're at a normal weight but new to training you have some runway to just focus on getting stronger and eating healthyish until your training plateaus hard and you can look at the mirror and your logbook to tell you when you need to start eating more
@keepy If your mom is giving you too much food, just ask her to give you less food each time because you want to keep eating her food but you are also trying to work out and get fit, so ask her to get on board with your fitness regime. Have you tried that already?
@keepy You should aim to hit the gym 3 to 6 times per week (depending on programming).

As for eating, usually "mom's foods" are pretty healthy and better than 99% of the ultra processed junk food that you'll find. So just don't over eat or under eat and aim to eat protein with every meal, also weigh your food and log it with myfitnesspal or other app, in the beginning its a pain in the ass to track your food, but in my experience it worked.
@keepy This just hits me like that Noom commercial for the food pusher "made with love". Working out is great, and typically the food made at home is healthier than fast food / restaurant food but you gotta make sure you're listening to your body and not just trying to please your mom. Hopefully your mom knows your plan to get fit/healthy and supports you, cause if not that could cause a drift if she isn't understanding that it's not her or her food, it's for you and your future.