F/29 1.5 year transformation. Fluffy mom of two to Figure competitor

@solonotsingle You look so good!!! and gaining 7 lbs since show day in 6 months is so impressive, considering most of that is probably just water/ food sitting on your stomach, haha. I know you said you don't count macros, but around how many calories are you eating each day? vs how many calories were you eating during your prep? Have you had issues with struggling to eat more or going overboard/binging since prep?

edit: also, do you think you've made some muscle gains since your show?
@jill3131 Thank you!

I am very happy that I didn't rebound. I was extremely cautious and did a lot of research regarding post show rebound and depression, which I have seen a couple of my friends struggle with. It was very, very hard seeing myself so shredded one day then maybe 2-3 days later I looked different. Just water of course, but it was weird. Glad I had a plan in place.

My goal right now is 2000 cals, at least 150g protein. I have no problem meeting my protein goal as I eat a lot of meat, eggs, greek yogurt, beans, protein powder and bars on occasion. My diet changed a lot through prep. I started slowly decreasing carbs. First, no carbs at dinner, then none at lunch, then none for breakfast! I was pretty much keto for 3-4 weeks at least. Only a couple refeeds, then the week before the show I brought carbs back and hallelujah it makes such a difference! I maxed out around 1400 calories, all protein and fat and veggies during prep.

I didn't have any extra problems with binging. I have struggled with binging my whole life, but I think I was so terrified of undoing my hard work that I was ok with slowly bring back carbs. I had a few treats right after the show then I got right back on track. I can now pretty much eat whatever I want and it doesn't really affect me day to day. I have learned discipline I never had before the show. It actually changed who I am (in a very good way). I will say I actually had a problem eating enough. I was so used to low calorie that I felt stuffed all the time. Ug! It took my body several weeks to adjust. I added 150cals/day each week until I was at a surplus. Was not easy, but it worked!

I have definitely made some gains, but not near what I was hoping for. I know it's 100% my diet because I still struggle to eat over maintenance some days. But I so badly want to be bigger that I think I'm getting over my fears! Most notably I'd say my triceps, delts, and quads have seen some growth. And my lats, definitely have more width on top! My abs are no where to be seen haha! That's ok, I'll keep working on them.
@solonotsingle Thanks so much for your detailed reply! I can 100% relate to your struggles with binges your whole life and how you're now afraid of undoing your hard work, same here!

I'm also just afraid of overeating/binging now, o_O. Currently cutting to the lowest I've ever been, after a really crappy binge phase in the summer. I want to get to 120-115 at 5'5, (only 10ish more pounds to go!!!) then I'm going to do it like you and reverse diet/slowly add calories in! In the past, I've bulked too fast and just gotten really fat and it sucks sooo much. I don't want to miss on muscle gains, but gaining too fast, to me, is worse. Ideally, I'd want to bulk for 10+ months straight and only gain 10 lbs, rather than do short, 6 weeks "fulks" where I gain 15 lbs (eyeroll @ myself).

I feel like after 6 months of slowly gaining you are definitely disciplined enough! Amazing work, totally inspiring to me. Keep it up and definitely update the sub on your bulk once you decide to go for it! :)
@jill3131 Thanks you so much for your encouragement. I love this sub and have been here for years. I do hope I can inspire someone else to make a change like so many women here have inspired me.

I definitely think lean bulking is right for me (though I need to really track my diet). Even though it may be a bit slower I don't care. Losing fat is hard and frustrating. My goal is to do another show again in April. Hopefully with another couple months I'll feel more ready to start another prep!
@murillo Thank you!

I made friends with a trainer at my gym who said if I worked hard he'd cut me a good deal and essentially sponsor me. I was paying him approx $200/month at least for 1-2 one hour workouts a week and diet help (though he did not write my actual diet plan, I did that myself). This was on top of my $89/month gym membership+unlimited childcare form my two kids. Not gonna lie it was expensive. The show was expensive. But to me it was worth it. I skimped in every area of my life I could in order to make it work.

There are online trainers too that can be more affordable. I will probably be hiring a guy my friends use. His rate isn$200/6 weeks of diet and workout plans. All online, they have gotten amazing results.
@solonotsingle That's actually better than I was expecting (though I assume that's USD so it'd be more in AUD), but still when it's your main priority, that's pretty reasonable.
@murillo Yeah you can definitely spend more, I got an AMAZING deal considering how invested he was in me! He's a (retired) competitive bodybuilder so it was an exciting project for him. And yes USD.

People always ask about food. And I'll tell you I probably spend less than most people bc I rarely eat out, and really only buy around the perimeter of the grocery store, hardly any processed stuff.

@solonotsingle I can see how training someone who is dedicated to get to your level is much more interesting for a trainer than just helping someone get a bit fitter.

Do you think he believed you when you said originally that's what you wanted to do? I bet a lot of people say they will but don't see it through.
@murillo He did, which is why he extended the offer. He had seen me in the gym day in and day out sweating my ass off and lifting as heavy as I could. We got to talking one day and I mentioned how I'd love to do some type of competition and he jumped on that. I was really in shock. Then he talked to the gym owners who were very excited to sponsor me too. It was so awesome, I had a lot of support.
@solonotsingle That is awesome. Also I love the way it improved your tattoo! I wouldn't worry about gaining a bit of fat, better that than losing your gains or getting tired and losing motivation.

EDIT: English.
EDIT: Your back pic is brilliant.
@solonotsingle Can you talk about what your typical clean meals are? I am 5'4" and usually 120lbs. I am currently pregnant so I totally get the dread of weight gain. You look amazing!
@hghims Thank you!

My typical meals follow this template: protein (meat, eggs, Greek yogurt), a fat (butter, oil, avocado, cheese, peanut butter), a carb (fruit, oats, sweet potato, wheat bread, occasional pasta), and either leafy greens or a veggie. I eat 5-6 meals a day. I eat most my carbs in the morning around my work out for energy and recovery, and taper down to usually low or no carb for my last meal or two. Though I have been eating ice cream lately...

Congrats on the pregnancy! Just keep steady, treat yourself but don't go overboard and you'll be fine😊