F/29 1.5 year transformation. Fluffy mom of two to Figure competitor

@solonotsingle Your stomach looks really awesome too. I couldn't even guess that you gave birth. Do you mind if I ask about your stomach and how difficult or easy it was to get that part back in shape? I seriously can't even tell, which gives me some hope for my future plans.
@dawn16 Thank you!! Unfortunately I think a lot of it is genetics. I do have a bit of lose skin that you can't really tell unless I bend over or purposely try to show. Once I gain more abdominal/oblique muscle I hope that'll help fill it out a bit.

Also I didn't gain huge amounts of weight with either pregnancy. Probably 50ish with my first and only 35 with my second. Proper nutrition and hydration will help. I also kept my skin hydrated with white lotion and coconut oil.
@dawn16 I'm not op but have had 2 kids and managed to get stomach into shape again, some of it depends on genetics like if you will have stretch marks or not, or loose skin, some people have more elastic skin and don't have either. As to just getting a flat tummy? Anyone can do that after a baby, you just go about it the same way you would before. Watch calories and exercise. Core exercises are good like planks and such. It does take sometime for your internet organs and things to shift back into shape though so be patient, like you may have a lower belly pooch for a few months after baby is born and it's important to just take it slow and not stress about it!
@solonotsingle I scrolled to picture 9 and gasped. You carved out an amazing body!! I'm feeling inspired. How did you enjoy the competition itself? Were contestants friendly?
@dawn16 It was AMAZING. One of the best experiences of my life. I had a friend, also in Figure, who helped me with posing and answered every question I had. Every competitor there was SO nice. Everyone was helping and complimenting each other back stage. This is why i LOVE bodybuilding. It's about improving oneself not comparing to others. Obviously we compete against each other but there was no anger, no backstabbing. Everyone was genuinely happy for everyone else. Plus I saw so many naked bodies it really helped with my own insecurities lol!!
@hearthewordofthelord Including warm up I'm usually in there around 2 hrs. Sometimes less, sometimes more depending on my schedule. During my prep I did a lot of cardio, mostly bike (in the gym), plyometrics, and treadmill HIIT workouts usually 20-30 min tops.

Right now I don't do much cardio. Maybe couple times a month for 20 min or so. I do have two kids so I run around w them and climb all over trials and parks so I definitely am active outside the gym. I also do a higher intensity yoga 2-3x a month.

Thanks for reading!
@solonotsingle One: your back gains are incredible. It totally changes the shape of your whole body

Two: if it isn't way too much trouble, are you willing to give a detailed account of any workout day of your choosing? I'm curious about sets/reps/exercises so that I can make some comparisons
@alamal1 Sure! Every day is different but I follow a basic template. Usually 2-4 excersises for each of that day's body parts, and usually superset. Rep range is always 8-12 or 12-15. If I can do 15 I up the weight. The only thing that's different is when I do 21's or something. Also, rear delts and traps I train high volume a lot (20-30 reps for 3 sets). I usually do 3-4 sets of each exercise. Here is a recent shoulder/tri workout:

10/6/16 Shoulders

Banded warm up (over and back, pull apart, face pulls; 3x10 each)

Arm circles/stop lights

Abs hanging leg raises w/DB 3x15
  1. Seated DB overhead press 4x8-12 (first set is light warm up)SS tri kickbacks 3x12-15
  2. Cable pull throughs 3x12-15 SS cable lateral raises 3x12-15
  3. Cable rear delt raise 4x12-15 SS V bar push downs 3x12-15
  4. Cable face pulls 3x12-15 SS Plate raises 3x21's (7 reps top of the movement, 7 reps bottom, 7 full reps. Ouch!)
Shoulders I'm very intense about. I lift hard, I lift heavy. There are three heads (anterior, medial, and posterier) and I hit each one twice. A friend has given me a super heavy workout I'm trying this week, I'm so excited! Let me know if you have any other questions.

Edited: Fixed rep ranges