10k challenge starts in the morning.


New member
If it all goes to plan I’ll finish the week of my 45th birthday. I am hoping to wake up to some advice to get me going in the morning.

I don’t trust my grip to do the 10 15 25 50 x 5 rep scheme so I’m going to start with a 10 10 15 15 x 10 and hope to have the grip strength by week two for the original. I also don’t have a barbell or squat rack and I work out at home or a park, so I’ll be doing primarily goblet/front squats and presses with my bell for the compound movements. I’d like some advice for how to structure those since I’m doing the alternate rep pattern. How would you structure those. Also thinking of throwing in push ups and maybe some heavy club work, although I am hesitant about that since it doesn’t really give my hands a rest.

Additionally, are there any specific warm up and cool downs you found helpful going along or should I stick to my normal routine?
@crazycat2005 I was in a similar position when I did it (albeit about 20 years younger). Only a 24kg and a 2x16kgs, a pull-up bar, and no barbell. My grip couldn't handle past the first set of 50, and even the last couple 25s felt like the bell was gonna fly out of my hands. I just parked the bell on the floor, stretched and shook out my fingers quickly and got through each "set" as best I could. I cleaned and pressed the 24kg, did pullups, pushups, goblets and front squats for the compound movements which all seemed like they were way lighter than it was supposed to be.

But I still saw huge benefits from it. My grip strength improved pretty fast and by the beginning of the 3rd week was able to do all the sets. I credit the challenge as the thing that really taught me how to swing. Like I had been thought by some rkc guys a few years before it but this really solidified my technique(it really makes you think about tension and efficiency). Did I get the full benefit I would have if I had a bb, squat rack, etc? Probably not but it was still worth it 100%.

Hope this helps a bit. Happy swinging!
@crazycat2005 Good luck man! I've ran it two years in a row and plan on running it once a year. While it can get boring, I always come out of it energized for my next program because it feels like this giant reset my body needed. I think also too because it reinforces your strength foundation(core) so well that you feel a bit stronger when you start those other programs.

Since it's your first time, I'd also just do swings and see how you feel after your first run through of the program. I dont ever plan on doing the add in sets. I focus 100% on the swings and then if I feel I got some left in the tank afterward, I'll put 10 minutes on the clock and run through a circuit of exercises.

I don't do the rep scheme he recommends. I still trail run regularly when I do the challenge, so I like to be as energy efficient as possible. 1st set of 100, I do 6x15 and then a set of 10. 2nd set of 100, I do 5x20. 3rd set is 4x25. 4th is 5x20, and last set is back to the 6x15 and 1x10. I think I do this more just to keep the monotony down from doing the same rep scheme all the time.
@taurho Cool, I’ll play with that next week. Knocked out the 2nd 500 today and felt alright physically. Got at least ten blisters between both hands and not sure how that is going to go on Thursday. I made attempts at taping today but that was causing problems almost immediately as the handle wore the tape down. Lost a little bit of skin on one hand. Right now I can tell that hand wear and tear is going to be the biggest issue.