16 Year Old looking for any advice at all


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Hi all, Im a 16 yo currently finishing my last week of school so I'm gonna use my free time during my school break to start gymming.

My stats: 1.8m (5 foot 9), 74kg (163lbs). I don't know my max on anything as I've never actually regularly gymmed before, only home workouts like calinstethics and stuff. I have relatively higher fat deposits from my lower belly downwards (butt, thigh, calves) than my upper body, so I'm looking to get rid of that as well.

My goal: a e s t h e t i c beach body, v-shaped etc (yea I know ,cliche)

  1. Could someone help me set a realistic workout plan as i have 0 experience at all. (I will be going 2-3 times a week if that matters)
  2. What should my diet be like if I'm looking to build mass and muscle?
  3. should i do the bulk method that I've been reading online or just gradually build mass?
  4. should i drink a protein shake before or after a session?
  5. Once my school term restarts, i will not be able to gym as much, so it is possible to maintain my gains with just 2 dumbbells and a few elastic bands?
Any advice at all helps, thanks in advance!
  1. Look on bodybuilding.com, I’m sure you’ll find a beginner workout plan on there
  2. At 16 ur diet should just consist of good Whole Foods, eat what ur parents give u as long as it’s healthy. Try increase ur protein intake, monitor ur calories and try not to have too many cheat meals, try get on a routine of some sorts.
  3. Since ur a beginner u will experience some beginner gains, there’s no point in bulking imo as u are also trying to lose fat as u said earlier so just focus on ur form when lifting and u will gain size.
  4. You can do either but most people, like myself, have it after
  5. If ur not planning on going gym then you’ll have to turn to more calisthenic based workouts at home.
You said you want to lose fat but also want to bulk. I’d suggest creating a slight caloric deficit, u will see yourself put on some muscle and also lose fat.
  1. I would recommend some kind of 5x5 workout , you can google them :)
  2. You should be eating about 120-150 grams of protein a day , enough water, vegetables
  3. I would say its better not to cause you could be gaining muscle as you drop fat if you're a beginner, also , even if you bulk I would never recommend going above 15% body fat , and you could be in that level now.
  4. A protein shake its not necessary, make sure you have enough protein in your diet, if its easier to drink a shake instead of some eggs , chicken or whatever then do it, but real food is better. I think its better to eat more before than after a session , but the most important thing is eating enough trough the day ( you could eat one gigantic meal if you want, 2-4 is probably better though). Digestion is slow and the anabolic effect of exercise last at least 72hrs.
  5. Yeah , you could do some pistol squats, dips , pull ups and handstands push ups and keep having gains , good luck man :)
@3qg43q4fq234 Calisthenics, is in my eyes the best. You can even do weighted calisthenics. Whats the point of lifting all this heavy weight when you cant even work your own bodyweight? I lifted weights for years but even with perfect form you are still subject to some minor injuries.

This isnt to scare you but I want a more lean look, and also be able to do some pretty crazy shit on a pullup bar. Its all on what someone wants. I say do calisthenics. You are young so the time it will take you to build muscle and strength is unparalleled. It will help you get a good base, allow you to control your body and then move to weightlifting if calisthenics arent giving you that push. (Which should never happen. Can do so much to keep it interesting and challenging.)

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