16kg to 32kg TGU - 256 days


New member
Hey! So mini milestone today. After getting my first 16kg kettlebell in Jan having heard Pavel on Joe Rogan I decided completing Simple would be my 2020 goal. Won’t get it by end of year but damn close.

I’ve been mostly sticking to the plan in the book, meaning increasing difficulty (an extra 2 sets with increased weight) at the beginning of each month then stepping up when all 10 reps are comfy with the heavier weight.

N this morning I nailed my first 2 sets of Turkish Get ups with 32kg at a slow n steady controlled pace. Ridiculously cool feeling. I remember when I couldn’t roll up to elbow with the 16 at the beginning of the year. It was mostly down to technique rather than strength at that point but still. 24 seemed mad n 32 was just an impossibility even thinking about pressing the thing.

256 days from beginning to getting up n down with 32Kg. Not fast by many standards I’ve read here. But wanted to share as I know I’m always curious how long progression takes people.

Getting simple timed feels a formality now. Few more months of daily practise that I’m still loving n sure I’ll nail it 😀
@penaia Congrats man that's awesome process. I started at the same time as you after listening to Pavel on JRE.

From 14kg - 28kg on the TGU. The 28kg has been challenging but rewarding.
@dawn16 Did you jump from 24-28, or 20-28? I pulled the trigger on the 28, up from 24, because I wanted to use it for doubles. Been using an 18 and 24 for doubles, but the weight difference is annoying, and the 18 is just too light for anything but high reps. Just worried now that 28 might be a bit light.
@dawn16 Steady! When are you eyeing the jump to 32? Do you have access to any heavier bells? The HIIT gym I go to uses almost all kettlebells, so I wanted to see what TGU’s and swings felt like at higher weights. 28 getups felt like the best progression, but I still managed the 32 without too much strain, which was a surprise. Doing swings was a lot of fun...I’ll be doing one handers pretty quick with 28, 32 two hand felt pretty good, but damn hard to keep it going for 40s without being totally gassed. I can swing 44 for 10 reps, but definitely sucking air, and swinging 48 felt terrifying yet thrilling, and I put it down after 5 because I didn’t want to push my luck.

It’s just very cool how such consistent work with the same weights has really pushed my max strength up. My back has never felt this strong or healthy! And I have a pandemic and r/kettlebell to thank for it.
@ugotowned Yeah, working with kettlebells increases your strength in a consistent and testable format.

I've been following the S&S format in the beginning of my workouts. Looking to complete the S&S routine with 28kg soon and then move up to the 32KG.

Swings are my strongest and TGU have lagged a bit in keeping with my swing progression. Kettlebells for life.
@penaia "Not fast by many standards I’ve read here."

It's a marathon, my friend, not a sprint, and don't worry about those sprinters. You are the very person who motivates those of us looking for lifelong change.

My congrats on your outstanding achievement!
@monstershouter Yeah, just those three. Reading the plan it made sense, but it was so counterintuitive to me having only done “little n often” resistance increase approaches. I have to say, I love it. It means I have to practice with the weight I’m reasonably comfortable with for a couple weeks or so longer than I’d normally, but it was then I began learning more detail about the movement.

If you’re always increasing weight as soon as you can finish reps on the lighter weight you’re always pushing on the edge. I realised spending time in a comfortable place was really useful too for technique. I don’t think my get up would be as clean if I increased when I thought I was strong enough, rather than following the plan
@penaia That makes sense. Long term strength gains usually seem to stem from quality sub-maximal training over time where there are plenty of variables other than weight that can be manipulated for progressive overload.
@penaia Congrats! That is a huge achievement.

How would you describe the S&S program overall and your improvements in fitness, all-around strength, mobility and any other benefits you've discovered since starting the program?
@tim316 Keep plugging away. I just finished "Simple" on Sunday. I couldn't stick with program because it was too dull. I did the basic S&S workout(1-2 times per week) along with lots of KB "sport" workouts and a little running. I think the kb sport helps with stamina component because I wasn't even breathing heavy by the end of the "simple."
@penaia Congratulations. That’s great to hear. It took about 2 years before I got to 2 handed swings with 32 and TGU’s with 32’s. Granted I didn’t have the plan and went off how comfortable I felt before moving up in weight. That and a pulled muscle or two.