1MP - 1 Million Push-Up Challenge (50k update)

@fendertl5 Not really but cheap elastic bands (tons of variations to hit back and shoulders and ESPECIALLY rotator cuffs) will do the trick you don’t want heavy equipment at a fun and want to stay in your home
@fragilewingz Be super careful. My dad did 1.2 million push-ups so he could say he did 100k in a year, and he had to get shoulder surgery on both of them and his mobility was greatly impacted

He worked up to it for years, so it's not like he just jumped in and hurt himself
@terry2xx I had to get shoulder surgery around 800k pushups for bench pressers shoulder. Also had 2 elbow ulnar nerve surgeries for thickened nerves from so much use. Primary exercises were chinups, curls, and pushups. All rsi injuries. (Repetitive strain). All were simple and quick recoveries but it wasn't worth it.
@drell What would you recommend to prevent RSI then? Low reps/volume? I feel it in my shoulder too after having done only pull ups and push-ups, but my numbers were 50 pulls 100 pushes 3 times a week
@fragilewingz Like I said the first post and I’ll say it again, this sounds like nothing more than an ego lift and it probably has no relevant benefit and only possibly negative outcomes. If it’s strength you want, follow a strength routine. If it’s hypertrophy, same shit. Doing a huge amount of push-ups a day is gonna do a few things; fuck your shoulders up (probably) and make you (maybe) better at push-ups. This is stupid, downvote me all you want, I stand by this
@michelrives And I second that too. The upsides for any conceivable benefits pale in comparison with potential risks. And when there are safer, better alternatives for whatever you want to get with those push-ups (and when you already are doing other things), why do this man
@xjohnson I’ve done up to 1500 burpees in a day and strongly suggest not doing volume burpees regularly.

Still love burpees, I still average 200 a day, but at high volumes they really get you in the wrists and elbows.
@fragilewingz I’m a big believer in push ups for core maintenance . At 68 I do about a hundred a day . I am not raining on anyone’s endurance program but you will get better development with less repetitive stress injuries doing 200 every other day - sets of 25-30 and SLOW to GROW. Think you are a bad ass pushup king ? Let’s see your planche‼️😳
@fragilewingz Inspired by goals like these I'm taking up something similar this year as well although it's extremely conservative in comparison: I'm aiming for 1,000 dropback backbends in the year. If I manage this I'll try for bigger numbers next year!
@jayparis You have to listen to your body, like others have said. If I do feel any discomfort I take a break until I’m feeling better & try to focus on form once I’m back in action. No sense injuring yourself, the goal is to get in better shape, not get hurt chasing a #!
@phriend Definitely a long ass time haha, but 1M is 100k each year. 100,000/365 is 273.9 a day or 1917 a week. If I’m doing 400+ a day M-F that’s minimum 2000 weekly so I’m pretty sure I’m on track. Am I wrong?