[2 years progress] My journey with BW


New member
Hello squad, how is everyone doing? Hope you'all doing okey and training hard. I'm going to post like I did last year with my year progression (had to delete my other account srry) to show that this sub got everything you need to train. (Please be patiente with my english, mistakes will be made)

A bit of background: 27M started doing calisthenics 2,5 years ago exclusively, I don't lift weights except for weighted excercies. I have scoliosis and a herniated disc and that somehow is the only inspiration I need to train. If I'm in shape I don't have any problems but when I stop... oh boy, I can't even stand still for 10 min.

Anyways, after a surgery 3 years ago I started doing the Recommended routine on and off. Got the hang of it and at one point i said to myself "This s**t really works" and I took it serious.

Took me about a year to complete all progressions doing 3 times a week with the classic “3 pairs and a triplet”. Then I switched to a full body routine with my specific goals (handstand and manna) about 6 months. I was still on begginer levels acording to Overcoming gravity 2.0

From the last 7 months I've doing push pull leg with a lot of success and I think is neither better or worse, just different. I was very used to doing full body and I was aching more when I switched but then it gave me more energy to focus on less things and that's when things started to shine.

If needed will upload my routine and my goals, just wanted to share what you can achieve if you set your mind and I aprove 200% this subreddit.

PD: Steve Low (Overcoming gravity 2.0), Antranik, Daniel Vadnal (Fitness FAQ) and Tom Merrick you'll are fucking legends


@antone I do not, just trying to balance everything. My trainings itself will tell me if I ate too much (felling heavy)or too little(feeling weak). As I don’t have much knowledge in that subject I can’t recommend anything, sorry
@joshpear87 No worries thanks for replying. That’s an interesting way to determine it. I’m assuming you’re getting enough protein based on your muscle growth.
@joshpear87 Damn mate that is spot on......
That has to be my next text -tattoo, in Ancient Greek writing or Latin!

Good of you, really nice and the 'teacher' you mentioned really rock big time.

Well done!! 👏👏
@joshpear87 I'm reluctant to share this, but i too was diagnosed with scoliosis and "herniated disc". Pain turned out to be psychosomatic. I discovered this after i tried every doctor, every pill and every massage treatment availabe to me. When nothing worked and i spent years stressing out about my pain, i discovered Dr. Sarno and his work. I'm now many years completely symptom free, even scoliosis almost never bothers me. Just wanted to share that. If you're open to the idea - cool, if not, i'm sorry. Maybe you'll be ready later.

As of progress, well done!
@9513 Thank you for sharing. I did too lived in pain and I let it grow further than it was physically. I went to one of the best doctors in my country. After further inspection he told me “you need to see a psychologist”. And I did. Best decision ever
@9513 Hey man same here! Spent two years in crippling back pain with all sorts of treatments only to end up turning to Sarno teachings. After a while, it was just gone, I couldn't believe it.

Although unfortunately I am currently going through crippling knee pain, and I have yet to discover if it's the same thing or an actual problem. It's tough to talk to people about because no one gets it. Psychosomatic pain can be indistinguishable from the pain of severe internal damage.
@vickyangdi I hope i'm allowed to share a link. tmswiki org. This is completely free. There is structured educational program and forum posts etc. You can also try yo google "tmswiki scoliosis" maybe other people have posted their stories, i don't remember.