48M kind of disappointed in 2-years' gym progress. Maybe I need some help

@nowhereman Might still be worth checking. I was the exact same as you, found out I have low T. Got into treatment it has been literally life changing.

Whatever you do, with your good fitness and diet you are already doing great. Tip of the spear đź‘Ť
@nowhereman I’ve not heard of that one.

If you do get a test, just note the medical industry “range” might explain where men are, but doesn’t represent where they should be. Many guys get a number in range and still feel like crap, I was mid range and feel completely different now above the upper end.

There is lots of info on the TRT sub.

I’m trying not to diagnose you haha but you are literally me 6 months ago. With the same diet and exercise as before I have added 8kg of muscle and I’m not even on a high dose TRT.

Wish I did it at 40 and not waited for 50. Wasted years struggling with no results.
@gloriouswonders This is almost impossible if you’ve got others in the house who want em though. My wife loves a good snack, I just gotta walk past em all the time and not think about it. I also keep protein bars over in that area so if I’m really tempted I’ll just grab one of those and call it a day lol
@nowhereman What does your training routine look like? Like, what is Mondays workout, Wednesdays, etc.

And if you can, post your training from the last
Month. If not, the last few weeks, or as far back as you can lol.

Write it like this to make life easy..

Squat 3x10
Bench 3x10
Whatever 4x10

Just write out the workouts like that please.

Also… nutrition is a very big part of this too… if that’s not as dialed in as it needs to be it can be a hinderance for sure. And not perfect either, but within a range of acceptable for your goals. Can’t not say that lol.

But post that other info and maybe I can see something that can help.

@rahul969 Here's a recent week. The volume of each workout is typical, though some weeks it's three sessions instead of four.

Exertion level: Most sets within 1-2 reps of failure while keeping good form.


Treadmill - 5min warmup

Squat - 235x4, 205x3, 205x3, 205x6

Deficit Deadlift - 5 sets of 235x4

Chest-supported Row - 90x10, 100x8 ,100x7, 100x7

Tricep Pushdown - 47x14, 47x14, 47x14

Seated Row - 110x14, 110x11, 110x7

Hammer Curl - 40x14, 40x14, 40x11


Rest & mobility


Rowing Machine - 5min warmup

Bench - 170x4, 140x3, 140x3, 140x9

Close-grip Bench - 5 sets of 115x4

OHP - 80x8, 80x8, 80x7, 80x8

DB Shrug - 130x14, 130x14, 130x14

Reverse Fly - 84x14, 84x14, 84x12


Rest & mobility


Rowing Machine - 5min warmup

Deadlift - 275x4, 260x3, 260x3, 260x7

Front Squat - 5 sets of 145x4

Lat Pulldown - 125x8, 125x8, 125x7, 125x6

1-leg Extension - 55x14, 55x14, 55x12

1-arm ISO Lat Pulldown - 45x14, 45x14, 45x14

EZ-bar Curl - 50x14, 50x12, 50x9

Tricep Extension - 40x14, 40x14, 40x14


Rest & mobility


Rowing Machine - 5min warmup

OHP - 115x4, 95x3, 95x3, 95x9

Incline Press - 5 sets of 125x4

Push Press - 100x8, 100x7, 100x6, 100x6

Tricep Pushdown - 49x14, 49x14, 49x12

DB Shrug - 140x14, 140x14, 140x13

Seated Incline Curl - 50x14, 50x10, 50x10

1-arm Tricep Extension - 15x14, 15x14, 15x14