2022 NoBull CrossFit Games - IE9: Hat Trick Discussion Thread

@nina1125 Dunno man. As a 6” 4’ lanky old man, snatches have A LOT of distance to travel!

Obviously helps with stride length in the run but it’s not going to be an all out sprint I wouldn’t have thought.
@jonjones229 Do we know whether the DB snatch has to be a squat snatch? Based on this I'm assuming DB power snatch is allowed, unless the athlete needs to squat snatch it.
@psalm51flower Ah, interesting. Thanks for that detail! I guess I'll just wait and find out.

I wish they would adopt a specific set of descriptors for power/squat/optional, like "power clean" or "squat clean" or "clean" so it would be clearer. I know they're a little bit trying to appease the Oly lifting community because in those circles a "clean" always implies a squat unless specifically described as a power clean. Back in 2015 the 12th event included DB squat snatches and they were named as "dumbbell squat snatches".

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